let log = Logging.errors_log let meta_to_string (meta : Meta.meta) = let span = meta.span in let file = match span.file with Virtual s | Local s -> s in let loc_to_string (l : Meta.loc) : string = string_of_int l.line ^ ":" ^ string_of_int l.col in "Source: '" ^ file ^ "', lines " ^ loc_to_string span.beg_loc ^ "-" ^ loc_to_string span.end_loc let format_error_message (meta : Meta.meta option) (msg : string) = let meta = match meta with None -> "" | Some meta -> "\n" ^ meta_to_string meta in msg ^ meta let format_error_message_with_file_line (file : string) (line : int) (meta : Meta.meta option) (msg : string) = "In file " ^ file ^ ", line " ^ string_of_int line ^ ":\n" ^ format_error_message meta msg let error_list_to_string (error_list : (Meta.meta option * string) list) : string = List.fold_left (fun errors (meta, msg) -> errors ^ "\n" ^ format_error_message meta msg) "" error_list exception CFailure of (Meta.meta option * string) let error_list : (Meta.meta option * string) list ref = ref [] let push_error (meta : Meta.meta option) (msg : string) = error_list := (meta, msg) :: !error_list (** Register an error, and throw an exception if [throw] is true *) let save_error (file : string) (line : int) ?(throw : bool = false) (meta : Meta.meta option) (msg : string) = push_error meta msg; if !Config.fail_hard && throw then ( let msg = format_error_message_with_file_line file line meta msg in log#serror (msg ^ "\n"); raise (Failure msg)) let craise_opt_meta (file : string) (line : int) (meta : Meta.meta option) (msg : string) = if !Config.fail_hard then ( let msg = format_error_message_with_file_line file line meta msg in log#serror (msg ^ "\n"); raise (Failure (format_error_message_with_file_line file line meta msg))) else let () = push_error meta msg in raise (CFailure (meta, msg)) let craise (file : string) (line : int) (meta : Meta.meta) (msg : string) = craise_opt_meta file line (Some meta) msg let cassert_opt_meta (file : string) (line : int) (b : bool) (meta : Meta.meta option) (msg : string) = if not b then craise_opt_meta file line meta msg let cassert (file : string) (line : int) (b : bool) (meta : Meta.meta) (msg : string) = cassert_opt_meta file line b (Some meta) msg let sanity_check (file : string) (line : int) b meta = cassert file line b meta "Internal error, please file an issue" let sanity_check_opt_meta (file : string) (line : int) b meta = cassert_opt_meta file line b meta "Internal error, please file an issue" let internal_error (file : string) (line : int) meta = craise file line meta "Internal error, please file an issue" let exec_raise = craise let exec_assert = cassert