(** This module defines various utilities to write the interpretation functions in continuation passing style. *) open Values open Contexts open Errors (** TODO: change the name *) type eval_error = EPanic (** Result of evaluating a statement *) type statement_eval_res = | Unit | Break of int | Continue of int | Return | Panic | LoopReturn of loop_id (** We reached a return statement *while inside a loop* *) | EndEnterLoop of loop_id * typed_value SymbolicValueId.Map.t (** When we enter a loop, we delegate the end of the function is synthesized with a call to the loop translation. We use this evaluation result to transmit the fact that we end evaluation because we entered a loop. We provide the list of values for the translated loop function call (or to be more precise the input values instantiation). *) | EndContinue of loop_id * typed_value SymbolicValueId.Map.t (** For loop translations: we end with a continue (i.e., a recursive call to the translation for the loop body). We provide the list of values for the translated loop function call (or to be more precise the input values instantiation). *) [@@deriving show] type eval_result = SymbolicAst.expression option (** Function which takes a context as input, and evaluates to: - a new context - a continuation with which to build the execution trace, provided the trace for the end of the execution. *) type cm_fun = eval_ctx -> eval_ctx * (eval_result -> eval_result) type st_cm_fun = eval_ctx -> (eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) * (eval_result -> eval_result) (** Type of a function used when evaluating a statement *) type stl_cm_fun = eval_ctx -> (eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) list * (SymbolicAst.expression list option -> eval_result) (** Compose continuations that we use to compute execution traces *) let cc_comp (f : 'b -> 'c) (g : 'a -> 'b) : 'a -> 'c = fun e -> f (g e) let comp (f : 'b -> 'c) (g : 'x * ('a -> 'b)) : 'x * ('a -> 'c) = let x, g = g in (x, cc_comp f g) let comp2 (f : 'b -> 'c) (g : 'x * 'y * ('a -> 'b)) : 'x * 'y * ('a -> 'c) = let x, y, g = g in (x, y, cc_comp f g) (** [fold] operation for functions which thread a context and return a continuation *) let fold_left_apply_continuation (f : 'a -> 'c -> 'c * ('e -> 'e)) (inputs : 'a list) (ctx : 'c) : 'c * ('e -> 'e) = let rec eval_list (inputs : 'a list) : 'c -> 'b = fun ctx -> match inputs with | [] -> (ctx, fun x -> x) | x :: inputs -> let ctx, cc = f x ctx in comp cc (eval_list inputs ctx) in eval_list inputs ctx (** [map] operation for functions which thread a context and return a continuation *) let map_apply_continuation (f : 'a -> 'c -> 'b * 'c * ('e -> 'e)) (inputs : 'a list) (ctx : 'c) : 'b list * 'c * ('e -> 'e) = let rec eval_list (inputs : 'a list) (ctx : 'c) : 'b list * 'c * ('e -> 'e) = match inputs with | [] -> ([], ctx, fun e -> e) | x :: inputs -> let v, ctx, cc1 = f x ctx in let vl, ctx, cc2 = eval_list inputs ctx in (v :: vl, ctx, cc_comp cc1 cc2) in eval_list inputs ctx let opt_list_to_list_opt (len : int) (el : 'a option list) : 'a list option = let expr_list = List.rev (List.fold_left (fun acc a -> match a with Some b -> b :: acc | None -> []) [] el) in let _ = assert (List.length expr_list = len) in if Option.is_none (List.hd expr_list) then None else Some expr_list let cc_singleton file line meta cf el = match el with | Some [ e ] -> cf (Some e) | Some _ -> internal_error file line meta | _ -> None (** It happens that we need to concatenate lists of results, for instance when evaluating the branches of a match. When applying the continuations to build the symbolic expressions, we need to decompose the list of expressions we get to give it to the individual continuations for the branches. *) let comp_seqs (file : string) (line : int) (meta : Meta.meta) (ls : ('a list * (SymbolicAst.expression list option -> SymbolicAst.expression option)) list) : 'a list * (SymbolicAst.expression list option -> SymbolicAst.expression list option) = (* Auxiliary function: given a list of expressions el, build the expressions corresponding to the different branches *) let rec cc_aux ls el = match ls with | [] -> (* End of the list of branches: there shouldn't be any expression remaining *) sanity_check file line (el = []) meta; [] | (resl, cf) :: ls -> (* Split the list of expressions between: - the expressions for the current branch - the expressions for the remaining branches *) let el0, el = Collections.List.split_at el (List.length resl) in (* Compute the expression for the current branch *) let e0 = cf (Some el0) in let e0 = match e0 with None -> internal_error file line meta | Some e -> e in (* Compute the expressions for the remaining branches *) let e = cc_aux ls el in (* Concatenate *) e0 :: e in let cc el = match el with None -> None | Some el -> Some (cc_aux ls el) in (List.flatten (fst (List.split ls)), cc)