(** Define the global configuration options *) (** {1 Backend choice} *) (** The choice of backend *) type backend = FStar | Coq | Lean | HOL4 let backend_names = [ "fstar"; "coq"; "lean"; "hol4" ] (** Utility to compute the backend from an input parameter *) let backend_of_string (b : string) : backend option = match b with | "fstar" -> Some FStar | "coq" -> Some Coq | "lean" -> Some Lean | "hol4" -> Some HOL4 | _ -> None let opt_backend : backend option ref = ref None let set_backend (b : string) : unit = match backend_of_string b with | Some b -> opt_backend := Some b | None -> (* We shouldn't get there: the string should have been checked as belonging to the proper set *) raise (Failure "Unexpected") (** If [true], we do not generate code and simply borrow-check the program instead. This allows us to relax some sanity checks which are present in the symbolic execution only to make sure we will be able to generate the pure translation. Remark: when checking if we are borrow-checking a program, checking this boolean or checking if [opt_backend] is [None] are equivalent. We need to have different variables for the purpose of implementing the parsing of the CI arguments. *) let borrow_check = ref false (** Get the target backend *) let backend () : backend = Option.get !opt_backend let if_backend (f : unit -> 'a) (default : 'a) : 'a = match !opt_backend with None -> default | Some _ -> f () (** {1 Interpreter} *) (** Activate the sanity checks, and in particular the invariant checks that are performed at every evaluation step. This is very expensive (~100x slow down) but very efficient to catch mistakes early. *) let sanity_checks = ref false (** Expand all symbolic values containing borrows upon introduction - allows to use restrict ourselves to a simpler model for the projectors over symbolic values. The interpreter fails if doing this requires to do a branching (because we need to expand an enumeration with strictly more than one variant) or if we need to expand a recursive type (because this leads to looping). *) let greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows = true (** Experimental. TODO: remove (always true now), but check that when we panic/call a function there is no bottom below a borrow. We sometimes want to temporarily break the invariant that there is no bottom value below a borrow. If this value is true, we don't check the invariant, and the rule becomes: we can't end a borrow *if* it contains a bottom value. The consequence is that it becomes ok to temporarily have bottom below a borrow, if we put something else inside before ending the borrow. For instance, when evaluating an assignment, we move the value which will be overwritten then do some administrative tasks with the borrows, then move the rvalue to its destination. We currently want to be able to check the invariants every time we end a borrow/an abstraction, meaning at intermediate steps of the assignment where the invariants might actually be broken. *) let allow_bottom_below_borrow = true (** If a function doesn't return any borrows, we can immediately call its backward functions. If this option is on, whenever we call a function *and* this function returns unit, we immediately end all the abstractions which are introduced and don't contain loans. This can be useful to make the code cleaner (the backward function is introduced where the function call happened) and make sure all forward functions with no return value are followed by a backward function. *) let return_unit_end_abs_with_no_loans = true (** The maximum number of iterations we can do to find a loop fixed point. This is mostly for sanity: we should always find a fixed point in a reasonable number of iterations. If we fail to do so, it is likely a bug: we thus use this bound to detect a loop, fail and report the case to the user. *) let loop_fixed_point_max_num_iters = 2 (** {1 Translation} *) (** Forbids using field projectors for structures. If we don't use field projectors, whenever we symbolically expand a structure value (note that accessing a structure field in the symbolic execution triggers its expansion), then instead of generating code like this: {[ let x1 = s.f1 in let x2 = s.f2 in ... ]} we generate code like this: {[ let Mkstruct x1 x2 ... = s in ... ]} Rem.: this used to be useful for Coq, because in Coq we can't define groups of mutually recursive records and inductives. In such cases, we extract the structures as inductives, which means that field projectors are not always available. As of today, we generate field projectors definitions (together with the appropriate notations). *) let dont_use_field_projectors = ref false (** Deconstructing ADTs which have only one variant with let-bindings is not always supported: this parameter controls whether we use let-bindings in such situations or not. *) let always_deconstruct_adts_with_matches = ref false (** Controls whether we need to use a state to model the external world (I/O, for instance). *) let use_state = ref false (** Controls whether we use fuel to control termination. *) let use_fuel = ref false (** Controls whether backward functions update the state, in case we use a state ({!use_state}). If they update the state, we generate code of the following style: {[ (st1, y) <-- f_fwd x st0; // st0 is the state upon calling f_fwd ... (st3, x') <-- f_back x st0 y' st2; // st2 is the state upon calling f_back ]} Otherwise, we generate code of the following shape: {[ (st1, y) <-- f_fwd x st0; ... x' <-- f_back x st0 y'; ]} The second format is easier to reason about, but the first one is necessary to properly handle some Rust functions which use internal mutability such as {{:https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cell/struct.RefCell.html#method.try_borrow_mut}[RefCell::try_mut_borrow]}: in order to model this behaviour we would need a state, and calling the backward function would update the state by reinserting the updated value in it. *) let backward_no_state_update = ref false (** Controls whether we split the generated definitions between different files for the types, clauses and functions, or if we group them in one file. *) let split_files = ref false (** Generate the library entry point, if the crate is split between different files. Sometimes we want to skip this: the library entry points just includes all the files in the project, and the user may want to write their own entry point, to add custom includes (to include the files containing the proofs, for instance). *) let generate_lib_entry_point = ref true (** For Lean, controls whether we generate a lakefile or not. *) let lean_gen_lakefile = ref false (** If true, treat the unit functions (function taking no inputs and returning no outputs) as unit tests: evaluate them with the interpreter and check that they don't panic. *) let test_unit_functions = ref false (** If true, insert tests in the generated files to check that the unit functions normalize to [Success _]. For instance, in F* it generates code like this: {[ let _ = assert_norm (FUNCTION () = Success ()) ]} *) let test_trans_unit_functions = ref false (** If [true], use decreases clauses/termination measures for all the recursive definitions. More precisely: - for F*, we generate definitions which use decreases clauses - for Lean, we generate definitions which use termination measures and decreases proofs The body of such clauses/proofs must be defined by the user. *) let extract_decreases_clauses = ref false (** In order to help the user, we can generate "template" decrease clauses/ termination measures (i.e., definitions with proper signatures but dummy bodies) in a dedicated file. *) let extract_template_decreases_clauses = ref false (** {1 Micro passes} *) (** Some provers like F* and Coq don't support the decomposition of return values in monadic let-bindings: {[ (* NOT supported in F*/Coq *) (x, y) <-- f (); ... ]} In such situations, we might want to introduce an intermediate assignment: {[ tmp <-- f (); let (x, y) = tmp in ... ]} *) let decompose_monadic_let_bindings = ref false (** Some provers like Coq don't support nested patterns in let-bindings: {[ (* NOT supported in Coq *) (st, (x1, x2)) <-- f (); ... ]} In such situations, we might want to introduce intermediate assignments: {[ (st, tmp) <-- f (); let (x1, x2) = tmp in ... ]} *) let decompose_nested_let_patterns = ref false (** Controls the unfolding of monadic let-bindings to explicit matches: [y <-- f x; ...] becomes: [match f x with | Failure -> Failure | Return y -> ...] This is useful when extracting to F*: the support for monadic definitions is not super powerful. Note that when {!unfold_monadic_let_bindings} is true, setting {!decompose_monadic_let_bindings} to true and only makes the code more verbose. *) let unfold_monadic_let_bindings = ref false (** Simplify the forward/backward functions, in case we merge them (i.e., the forward functions return the backward functions). The simplification occurs as follows: - if a forward function returns the unit type and has non-trivial backward functions, then we remove the returned output. - if a backward function doesn't have inputs, we evaluate it inside the forward function and don't wrap it in a result. Example: {[ // LLBC: fn incr(x: &mut u32) { *x += 1 } // Translation without simplification: let incr (x : u32) : result (unit * result u32) = ... ^^^^ ^^^^^^ | remove this result remove the unit // Translation with simplification: let incr (x : u32) : result u32 = ... ]} *) let simplify_merged_fwd_backs = ref true (** Use short names for the record fields. Some backends can't disambiguate records when their field names have collisions. When this happens, we use long names, by which we concatenate the record names with the field names, and check whether there are name collisions. For backends which can disambiguate records (typically by using the typing information), we use short names (i.e., the original field names). *) let record_fields_short_names = ref false (** Parameterize the traits with their associated types, so as not to use types as first class objects. This is useful for some backends with limited expressiveness like HOL4, and to account for type constraints (like [fn f(...) where T::bar = usize]). *) let parameterize_trait_types = ref false (** For sanity check: type check the generated pure code (activates checks in several places). TODO: deactivated for now because we need to implement the normalization of trait associated types in the pure code. *) let type_check_pure_code = ref false (** Shall we fail hard if we encounter an issue, or should we attempt to go as far as possible while leaving "holes" in the generated code? *) let fail_hard = ref false (** If true, add the type name as a prefix to the variant names. Ex.: In Rust: {[ enum List = { Cons(u32, Box),x Nil, } ]} F*, if option activated: {[ type list = | ListCons : u32 -> list -> list | ListNil : list ]} F*, if option not activated: {[ type list = | Cons : u32 -> list -> list | Nil : list ]} *) let variant_concatenate_type_name = ref true (** If true, extract the structures with unnamed fields as tuples. ex.: {[ // Rust struct Foo(u32) // OCaml type Foo = (u32) ]} *) let use_tuple_structs = ref true let backend_has_tuple_projectors () = match backend () with Lean -> true | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> false (** We we use nested projectors for tuple (like: [(0, 1).snd.fst]) or do we use better projector syntax? *) let use_nested_tuple_projectors = ref false (** Generate name patterns for the external definitions we encounter *) let extract_external_name_patterns = ref true