import Lean import Mathlib.Tactic.Core namespace Utils open Lean Elab Term Meta -- Useful helper to explore definitions and figure out the variant -- of their sub-expressions. def explore_term (incr : String) (e : Expr) : MetaM Unit := match e with | .bvar _ => do logInfo m!"{incr}bvar: {e}"; return () | .fvar _ => do logInfo m!"{incr}fvar: {e}"; return () | .mvar _ => do logInfo m!"{incr}mvar: {e}"; return () | .sort _ => do logInfo m!"{incr}sort: {e}"; return () | .const _ _ => do logInfo m!"{incr}const: {e}"; return () | .app fn arg => do logInfo m!"{incr}app: {e}" explore_term (incr ++ " ") fn explore_term (incr ++ " ") arg | .lam _bName bTy body _binfo => do logInfo m!"{incr}lam: {e}" explore_term (incr ++ " ") bTy explore_term (incr ++ " ") body | .forallE _bName bTy body _bInfo => do logInfo m!"{incr}forallE: {e}" explore_term (incr ++ " ") bTy explore_term (incr ++ " ") body | .letE _dName ty val body _nonDep => do logInfo m!"{incr}letE: {e}" explore_term (incr ++ " ") ty explore_term (incr ++ " ") val explore_term (incr ++ " ") body | .lit _ => do logInfo m!"{incr}lit: {e}"; return () | .mdata _ e => do logInfo m!"{incr}mdata: {e}" explore_term (incr ++ " ") e | .proj _ _ struct => do logInfo m!"{incr}proj: {e}" explore_term (incr ++ " ") struct def explore_decl (n : Name) : TermElabM Unit := do logInfo m!"Name: {n}" let env ← getEnv let decl := env.constants.find! n match decl with | .defnInfo val => logInfo m!"About to explore defn: {}" logInfo m!"# Type:" explore_term "" val.type logInfo m!"# Value:" explore_term "" val.value | .axiomInfo _ => throwError m!"axiom: {n}" | .thmInfo _ => throwError m!"thm: {n}" | .opaqueInfo _ => throwError m!"opaque: {n}" | .quotInfo _ => throwError m!"quot: {n}" | .inductInfo _ => throwError m!"induct: {n}" | .ctorInfo _ => throwError m!"ctor: {n}" | .recInfo _ => throwError m!"rec: {n}" syntax (name := printDecl) "print_decl " ident : command open Lean.Elab.Command @[command_elab printDecl] def elabPrintDecl : CommandElab := fun stx => do liftTermElabM do let id := stx[1] addCompletionInfo <| id id.getId (danglingDot := false) {} none let cs ← resolveGlobalConstWithInfos id explore_decl cs[0]! private def test1 : Nat := 0 private def test2 (x : Nat) : Nat := x print_decl test1 print_decl test2 -- A map visitor function for expressions (adapted from `AbstractNestedProofs.visit`) -- The continuation takes as parameters: -- - the current depth of the expression (useful for printing/debugging) -- - the expression to explore partial def mapVisit (k : Nat → Expr → MetaM Expr) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do let mapVisitBinders (xs : Array Expr) (k2 : MetaM Expr) : MetaM Expr := do let localInstances ← getLocalInstances let mut lctx ← getLCtx for x in xs do let xFVarId := x.fvarId! let localDecl ← xFVarId.getDecl let type ← mapVisit k localDecl.type let localDecl := localDecl.setType type let localDecl ← match localDecl.value? with | some value => let value ← mapVisit k value; pure <| localDecl.setValue value | none => pure localDecl lctx :=lctx.modifyLocalDecl xFVarId fun _ => localDecl withLCtx lctx localInstances k2 -- TODO: use a cache? (Lean.checkCache) let rec visit (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do -- Explore let e ← k i e match e with | .bvar _ | .fvar _ | .mvar _ | .sort _ | .lit _ | .const _ _ => pure e | .app .. => do e.withApp fun f args => return mkAppN f (← args.mapM (visit (i + 1))) | .lam .. => lambdaLetTelescope e fun xs b => mapVisitBinders xs do mkLambdaFVars xs (← visit (i + 1) b) (usedLetOnly := false) | .forallE .. => do forallTelescope e fun xs b => mapVisitBinders xs do mkForallFVars xs (← visit (i + 1) b) | .letE .. => do lambdaLetTelescope e fun xs b => mapVisitBinders xs do mkLambdaFVars xs (← visit (i + 1) b) (usedLetOnly := false) | .mdata _ b => return e.updateMData! (← visit (i + 1) b) | .proj _ _ b => return e.updateProj! (← visit (i + 1) b) visit 0 e section Methods variable [MonadLiftT MetaM m] [MonadControlT MetaM m] [Monad m] [MonadError m] variable {a : Type} /- Like `lambdaTelescopeN` but only destructs a fixed number of lambdas -/ def lambdaTelescopeN (e : Expr) (n : Nat) (k : Array Expr → Expr → m a) : m a := lambdaTelescope e fun xs body => do if xs.size < n then throwError "lambdaTelescopeN: not enough lambdas" let xs := xs.extract 0 n let ys := xs.extract n xs.size let body ← liftMetaM (mkLambdaFVars ys body) k xs body /- Like `lambdaTelescope`, but only destructs one lambda TODO: is there an equivalent of this function somewhere in the standard library? -/ def lambdaOne (e : Expr) (k : Expr → Expr → m a) : m a := lambdaTelescopeN e 1 λ xs b => k (xs.get! 0) b def isExists (e : Expr) : Bool := e.getAppFn.isConstOf ``Exists ∧ e.getAppNumArgs = 2 -- Remark: Lean doesn't find the inhabited and nonempty instances if we don' -- put them explicitely in the signature partial def existsTelescopeProcess [Inhabited (m a)] [Nonempty (m a)] (fvars : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → m a) : m a := do -- Attempt to deconstruct an existential if isExists e then do let p := e.appArg! lambdaOne p fun x ne => existsTelescopeProcess (fvars.push x) ne k else -- No existential: call the continuation k fvars e def existsTelescope [Inhabited (m a)] [Nonempty (m a)] (e : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → m a) : m a := do existsTelescopeProcess #[] e k end Methods def addDecl (name : Name) (val : Expr) (type : Expr) (asLet : Bool) : Tactic.TacticM Expr := -- I don't think we need that Lean.Elab.Tactic.withMainContext do -- Insert the new declaration let withDecl := if asLet then withLetDecl name type val else withLocalDeclD name type withDecl fun nval => do -- For debugging let lctx ← Lean.MonadLCtx.getLCtx let fid := nval.fvarId! let decl := lctx.get! fid trace[Arith] " new decl: \"{decl.userName}\" ({nval}) : {decl.type} := {decl.value}" -- -- Tranform the main goal `?m0` to `let x = nval in ?m1` let mvarId ← Tactic.getMainGoal let newMVar ← mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar (← mvarId.getType) let newVal ← mkLetFVars #[nval] newMVar -- There are two cases: -- - asLet is true: newVal is `let $name := $val in $newMVar` -- - asLet is false: ewVal is `λ $name => $newMVar` -- We need to apply it to `val` let newVal := if asLet then newVal else mkAppN newVal #[val] -- Assign the main goal and update the current goal mvarId.assign newVal let goals ← Tactic.getUnsolvedGoals Lean.Elab.Tactic.setGoals (newMVar.mvarId! :: goals) -- Return the new value - note: we are in the *new* context, created -- after the declaration was added, so it will persist pure nval def addDeclSyntax (name : Name) (val : Syntax) (asLet : Bool) : Tactic.TacticM Unit := -- I don't think we need that Lean.Elab.Tactic.withMainContext do -- let val ← elabTerm val .none let type ← inferType val -- In some situations, the type will be left as a metavariable (for instance, -- if the term is `3`, Lean has the choice between `Nat` and `Int` and will -- not choose): we force the instantiation of the meta-variable synthesizeSyntheticMVarsUsingDefault -- let _ ← addDecl name val type asLet elab "custom_let " n:ident " := " v:term : tactic => do addDeclSyntax n.getId v (asLet := true) elab "custom_have " n:ident " := " v:term : tactic => addDeclSyntax n.getId v (asLet := false) example : Nat := by custom_let x := 4 custom_have y := 4 apply y example (x : Bool) : Nat := by cases x <;> custom_let x := 3 <;> apply x -- Repeatedly apply a tactic partial def repeatTac (tac : Tactic.TacticM Unit) : Tactic.TacticM Unit := do try tac Tactic.allGoals (Tactic.focus (repeatTac tac)) -- TODO: does this restore the state? catch _ => pure () def firstTac (tacl : List (Tactic.TacticM Unit)) : Tactic.TacticM Unit := do match tacl with | [] => pure () | tac :: tacl => try tac catch _ => firstTac tacl -- Split the goal if it is a conjunction def splitConjTarget : Tactic.TacticM Unit := do Tactic.withMainContext do let and_intro := Expr.const ``And.intro [] let mvarIds' ← _root_.Lean.MVarId.apply (← Tactic.getMainGoal) and_intro Term.synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing Tactic.replaceMainGoal mvarIds' -- Taken from Lean.Elab.Tactic.evalAssumption def assumptionTac : Tactic.TacticM Unit := Tactic.liftMetaTactic fun mvarId => do mvarId.assumption; pure [] end Utils