import Lean namespace Primitives -------------------- -- ASSERT COMMAND --Std. -------------------- open Lean Elab Command Term Meta syntax (name := assert) "#assert" term: command @[command_elab assert] unsafe def assertImpl : CommandElab := fun (_stx: Syntax) => do runTermElabM (fun _ => do let r ← evalTerm Bool (mkConst ``Bool) _stx[1] if not r then logInfo ("Assertion failed for:\n" ++ _stx[1]) throwError ("Expression reduced to false:\n" ++ _stx[1]) pure ()) #eval 2 == 2 #assert (2 == 2) ------------- -- PRELUDE -- ------------- -- Results & monadic combinators inductive Error where | assertionFailure: Error | integerOverflow: Error | divisionByZero: Error | arrayOutOfBounds: Error | maximumSizeExceeded: Error | panic: Error deriving Repr, BEq open Error inductive Result (α : Type u) where | ret (v: α): Result α | fail (e: Error): Result α | div deriving Repr, BEq open Result instance Result_Inhabited (α : Type u) : Inhabited (Result α) := (fail panic) instance Result_Nonempty (α : Type u) : Nonempty (Result α) := Nonempty.intro div /- HELPERS -/ def ret? {α: Type u} (r: Result α): Bool := match r with | ret _ => true | fail _ | div => false def div? {α: Type u} (r: Result α): Bool := match r with | div => true | ret _ | fail _ => false def massert (b:Bool) : Result Unit := if b then ret () else fail assertionFailure def eval_global {α: Type u} (x: Result α) (_: ret? x): α := match x with | fail _ | div => by contradiction | ret x => x /- DO-DSL SUPPORT -/ def bind {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (x: Result α) (f: α → Result β) : Result β := match x with | ret v => f v | fail v => fail v | div => div -- Allows using Result in do-blocks instance : Bind Result where bind := bind -- Allows using return x in do-blocks instance : Pure Result where pure := fun x => ret x @[simp] theorem bind_ret (x : α) (f : α → Result β) : bind (.ret x) f = f x := by simp [bind] @[simp] theorem bind_fail (x : Error) (f : α → Result β) : bind (.fail x) f = .fail x := by simp [bind] @[simp] theorem bind_div (f : α → Result β) : bind .div f = .div := by simp [bind] /- CUSTOM-DSL SUPPORT -/ -- Let-binding the Result of a monadic operation is oftentimes not sufficient, -- because we may need a hypothesis for equational reasoning in the scope. We -- rely on subtype, and a custom let-binding operator, in effect recreating our -- own variant of the do-dsl def Result.attach {α: Type} (o : Result α): Result { x : α // o = ret x } := match o with | ret x => ret ⟨x, rfl⟩ | fail e => fail e | div => div @[simp] theorem bind_tc_ret (x : α) (f : α → Result β) : (do let y ← .ret x; f y) = f x := by simp [Bind.bind, bind] @[simp] theorem bind_tc_fail (x : Error) (f : α → Result β) : (do let y ← fail x; f y) = fail x := by simp [Bind.bind, bind] @[simp] theorem bind_tc_div (f : α → Result β) : (do let y ← div; f y) = div := by simp [Bind.bind, bind] @[simp] theorem bind_assoc_eq {a b c : Type u} (e : Result a) (g : a → Result b) (h : b → Result c) : (Bind.bind (Bind.bind e g) h) = (Bind.bind e (λ x => Bind.bind (g x) h)) := by simp [Bind.bind] cases e <;> simp ------------------------------- -- Tuple field access syntax -- ------------------------------- -- Declare new syntax `a.#i` for accessing the `i`-th term in a tuple -- The `noWs` parser is used to ensure there is no whitespace. syntax term noWs ".#" noWs num : term open Lean Meta Elab Term -- Auxliary function for computing the number of elements in a tuple (`Prod`) type. def getArity (type : Expr) : Nat := match type with | .app (.app (.const ``Prod _) _) as => getArity as + 1 | _ => 1 -- It is not product -- Given a `tuple` of size `n`, construct a term that for accessing the `i`-th element def mkGetIdx (tuple : Expr) (n : Nat) (i : Nat) : MetaM Expr := do match i with | 0 => mkAppM ``Prod.fst #[tuple] | i+1 => if n = 2 then -- If the tuple has only two elements and `i` is not `0`, -- we just return the second element. mkAppM ``Prod.snd #[tuple] else -- Otherwise, we continue with the rest of the tuple. let tuple ← mkAppM ``Prod.snd #[tuple] mkGetIdx tuple (n-1) i -- Now, we define the elaboration function for the new syntax `a#i` elab_rules : term | `($a:term.#$i:num) => do -- Convert `i : Syntax` into a natural number let i := i.getNat -- Return error if it is 0. unless i ≥ 0 do throwError "tuple index must be greater or equal to 0" -- Convert `a : Syntax` into an `tuple : Expr` without providing expected type let tuple ← elabTerm a none let type ← inferType tuple -- Instantiate assigned metavariable occurring in `type` let type ← instantiateMVars type -- Ensure `tuple`'s type is a `Prod`uct. unless type.isAppOf ``Prod do throwError "tuple expected{indentExpr type}" let n := getArity type -- Ensure `i` is a valid index unless i < n do throwError "invalid tuple access at {i}, tuple has {n} elements" mkGetIdx tuple n i ---------- -- MISC -- ---------- @[simp] def core.mem.replace (a : Type) (x : a) (_ : a) : a × a := (x, x) /-- Aeneas-translated function -- useful to reduce non-recursive definitions. Use with `simp [ aeneas ]` -/ register_simp_attr aeneas -- We don't really use raw pointers for now structure MutRawPtr (T : Type) where v : T structure ConstRawPtr (T : Type) where v : T end Primitives