import Lean import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Simp import Init.Data.List.Basic import Mathlib.Tactic.RunCmd import Base.Utils import Base.Diverge.Base import Base.Diverge.ElabBase namespace Diverge /- Automating the generation of the encoding and the proofs so as to use nice syntactic sugar. -/ syntax (name := divergentDef) declModifiers "divergent" "def" declId ppIndent(optDeclSig) declVal : command open Lean Elab Term Meta Primitives Lean.Meta open Utils /- The following was copied from the `wfRecursion` function. -/ open WF in def mkProd (x y : Expr) : MetaM Expr := mkAppM `` #[x, y] def mkInOutTy (x y : Expr) : MetaM Expr := mkAppM ``FixI.mk_in_out_ty #[x, y] -- Return the `a` in `Return a` def getResultTy (ty : Expr) : MetaM Expr := ty.withApp fun f args => do if ¬ f.isConstOf ``Result ∨ args.size ≠ 1 then throwError "Invalid argument to getResultTy: {ty}" else pure (args.get! 0) /- Deconstruct a sigma type. For instance, deconstructs `(a : Type) × List a` into `Type` and `λ a => List a`. -/ def getSigmaTypes (ty : Expr) : MetaM (Expr × Expr) := do ty.withApp fun f args => do if ¬ f.isConstOf ``Sigma ∨ args.size ≠ 2 then throwError "Invalid argument to getSigmaTypes: {ty}" else pure (args.get! 0, args.get! 1) /- Generate a Sigma type from a list of *variables* (all the expressions must be variables). Example: - xl = [(a:Type), (ls:List a), (i:Int)] Generates: `(a:Type) × (ls:List a) × (i:Int)` -/ def mkSigmasType (xl : List Expr) : MetaM Expr := match xl with | [] => do trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasOfTypes: []" pure (Expr.const ``PUnit.unit []) | [x] => do trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasOfTypes: [{x}]" let ty ← Lean.Meta.inferType x pure ty | x :: xl => do trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasOfTypes: [{x}::{xl}]" let alpha ← Lean.Meta.inferType x let sty ← mkSigmasType xl trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasOfTypes: [{x}::{xl}]: alpha={alpha}, sty={sty}" let beta ← mkLambdaFVars #[x] sty trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasOfTypes: ({alpha}) ({beta})" mkAppOptM ``Sigma #[some alpha, some beta] /- Apply a lambda expression to some arguments, simplifying the lambdas -/ def applyLambdaToArgs (e : Expr) (xs : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr := do lambdaTelescopeN e xs.size fun vars body => -- Create the substitution let s : HashMap FVarId Expr := HashMap.ofList ( ( Expr.fvarId!) xs.toList) -- Substitute in the body pure (body.replace fun e => match e with | Expr.fvar fvarId => match s.find? fvarId with | none => e | some v => v | _ => none) /- Group a list of expressions into a dependent tuple. Example: xl = [`a : Type`, `ls : List a`] returns: `⟨ (a:Type), (ls: List a) ⟩` We need the type argument because as the elements in the tuple are "concrete", we can't in all generality figure out the type of the tuple. Example: `⟨ True, 3 ⟩ : (x : Bool) × (if x then Int else Unit)` -/ def mkSigmasVal (ty : Expr) (xl : List Expr) : MetaM Expr := match xl with | [] => do trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasVal: []" pure (Expr.const ``PUnit.unit []) | [x] => do trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasVal: [{x}]" pure x | fst :: xl => do trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasVal: [{fst}::{xl}]" -- Deconstruct the type let (alpha, beta) ← getSigmaTypes ty -- Compute the "second" field -- Specialize beta for fst let nty ← applyLambdaToArgs beta #[fst] -- Recursive call let snd ← mkSigmasVal nty xl -- Put everything together trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasVal:\n{alpha}\n{beta}\n{fst}\n{snd}" mkAppOptM `` #[some alpha, some beta, some fst, some snd] def mkAnonymous (s : String) (i : Nat) : Name := .num (.str .anonymous s) i /- Given a list of values `[x0:ty0, ..., xn:ty1]`, where every `xi` might use the previous `xj` (j < i) and a value `out` which uses `x0`, ..., `xn`, generate the following expression: ``` fun x:((x0:ty0) × ... × (xn:tyn) => -- **Dependent** tuple match x with | (x0, ..., xn) => out ``` The `index` parameter is used for naming purposes: we use it to numerotate the bound variables that we introduce. We use this function to currify functions (the function bodies given to the fixed-point operator must be unary functions). Example: ======== - xl = `[a:Type, ls:List a, i:Int]` - out = `a` - index = 0 generates (getting rid of most of the syntactic sugar): ``` λ scrut0 => match scrut0 with | x scrut1 => match scrut1 with | ls i => a ``` -/ partial def mkSigmasMatch (xl : List Expr) (out : Expr) (index : Nat := 0) : MetaM Expr := match xl with | [] => do -- This would be unexpected throwError "mkSigmasMatch: empyt list of input parameters" | [x] => do -- In the example given for the explanations: this is the inner match case trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasMatch: [{x}]" mkLambdaFVars #[x] out | fst :: xl => do -- In the example given for the explanations: this is the outer match case -- Remark: for the naming purposes, we use the same convention as for the -- fields and parameters in `Sigma.casesOn` and `` (looking at -- those definitions might help) -- -- We want to build the match expression: -- ``` -- λ scrut => -- match scrut with -- | x ... -- the hole is given by a recursive call on the tail -- ``` trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasMatch: [{fst}::{xl}]" let alpha ← Lean.Meta.inferType fst let snd_ty ← mkSigmasType xl let beta ← mkLambdaFVars #[fst] snd_ty let snd ← mkSigmasMatch xl out (index + 1) let mk ← mkLambdaFVars #[fst] snd -- Introduce the "scrut" variable let scrut_ty ← mkSigmasType (fst :: xl) withLocalDeclD (mkAnonymous "scrut" index) scrut_ty fun scrut => do trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasMatch: scrut: ({scrut}) : ({← inferType scrut})" -- TODO: make the computation of the motive more efficient let motive ← do let out_ty ← inferType out match out_ty with | .sort _ | .lit _ | .const .. => -- The type of the motive doesn't depend on the scrutinee mkLambdaFVars #[scrut] out_ty | _ => -- The type of the motive *may* depend on the scrutinee -- TODO: make this more efficient (we could change the output type of -- mkSigmasMatch mkSigmasMatch (fst :: xl) out_ty -- The final expression: putting everything together trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasMatch:\n ({alpha})\n ({beta})\n ({motive})\n ({scrut})\n ({mk})" let sm ← mkAppOptM ``Sigma.casesOn #[some alpha, some beta, some motive, some scrut, some mk] -- Abstracting the "scrut" variable let sm ← mkLambdaFVars #[scrut] sm trace[Diverge.def.sigmas] "mkSigmasMatch: sm: {sm}" pure sm /- Small tests for list_nth: give a model of what `mkSigmasMatch` should generate -/ private def list_nth_out_ty_inner (a :Type) (scrut1: @Sigma (List a) (fun (_ls : List a) => Int)) := @Sigma.casesOn (List a) (fun (_ls : List a) => Int) (fun (_scrut1:@Sigma (List a) (fun (_ls : List a) => Int)) => Type) scrut1 (fun (_ls : List a) (_i : Int) => Primitives.Result a) private def list_nth_out_ty_outer (scrut0 : @Sigma (Type) (fun (a:Type) => @Sigma (List a) (fun (_ls : List a) => Int))) := @Sigma.casesOn (Type) (fun (a:Type) => @Sigma (List a) (fun (_ls : List a) => Int)) (fun (_scrut0:@Sigma (Type) (fun (a:Type) => @Sigma (List a) (fun (_ls : List a) => Int))) => Type) scrut0 (fun (a : Type) (scrut1: @Sigma (List a) (fun (_ls : List a) => Int)) => list_nth_out_ty_inner a scrut1) /- -/ -- Return the expression: `Fin n` -- TODO: use more def mkFin (n : Nat) : Expr := mkAppN (.const ``Fin []) #[.lit (.natVal n)] -- Return the expression: `i : Fin n` def mkFinVal (n i : Nat) : MetaM Expr := do let n_lit : Expr := .lit (.natVal (n - 1)) let i_lit : Expr := .lit (.natVal i) -- We could use `trySynthInstance`, but as we know the instance that we are -- going to use, we can save the lookup let ofNat ← mkAppOptM ``Fin.instOfNatFinHAddNatInstHAddInstAddNatOfNat #[n_lit, i_lit] mkAppOptM ``OfNat.ofNat #[none, none, ofNat] /- Generate and declare as individual definitions the bodies for the individual funcions: - replace the recursive calls with calls to the continutation `k` - make those bodies take one single dependent tuple as input We name the declarations: "[original_name].body". We return the new declarations. -/ def mkDeclareUnaryBodies (grLvlParams : List Name) (kk_var : Expr) (inOutTys : Array (Expr × Expr)) (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) : MetaM (Array Expr) := do let grSize := preDefs.size -- Compute the map from name to (index × input type). -- Remark: the continuation has an indexed type; we use the index (a finite number of -- type `Fin`) to control which function we call at the recursive call site. let nameToInfo : HashMap Name (Nat × Expr) := let bl := preDefs.mapIdx fun i d => (d.declName, (i.val, (inOutTys.get! i.val).fst)) HashMap.ofList bl.toList trace[Diverge.def.genBody] "nameToId: {nameToInfo.toList}" -- Auxiliary function to explore the function bodies and replace the -- recursive calls let visit_e (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do trace[Diverge.def.genBody] "visiting expression (dept: {i}): {e}" let ne ← do match e with | .app .. => do e.withApp fun f args => do trace[Diverge.def.genBody] "this is an app: {f} {args}" -- Check if this is a recursive call if f.isConst then let name := f.constName! match nameToInfo.find? name with | none => pure e | some (id, in_ty) => trace[Diverge.def.genBody] "this is a recursive call" -- This is a recursive call: replace it -- Compute the index let i ← mkFinVal grSize id -- Put the arguments in one big dependent tuple let args ← mkSigmasVal in_ty args.toList mkAppM' kk_var #[i, args] else -- Not a recursive call: do nothing pure e | .const name _ => -- Sanity check: we eliminated all the recursive calls if (nameToInfo.find? name).isSome then throwError "mkUnaryBodies: a recursive call was not eliminated" else pure e | _ => pure e trace[Diverge.def.genBody] "done with expression (depth: {i}): {e}" pure ne -- Explore the bodies preDefs.mapM fun preDef => do -- Replace the recursive calls trace[Diverge.def.genBody] "About to replace recursive calls in {preDef.declName}" let body ← mapVisit visit_e preDef.value trace[Diverge.def.genBody] "Body after replacement of the recursive calls: {body}" -- Currify the function by grouping the arguments into a dependent tuple -- (over which we match to retrieve the individual arguments). lambdaTelescope body fun args body => do let body ← mkSigmasMatch args.toList body 0 -- Add the declaration let value ← mkLambdaFVars #[kk_var] body let name := preDef.declName.append "body" let levelParams := grLvlParams let decl := Declaration.defnDecl { name := name levelParams := levelParams type := ← inferType value -- TODO: change the type value := value hints := ReducibilityHints.regular (getMaxHeight (← getEnv) value + 1) safety := .safe all := [name] } addDecl decl trace[Diverge.def] "individual body of {preDef.declName}: {body}" -- Return the constant let body := Lean.mkConst name ( .param) -- let body ← mkAppM' body #[kk_var] trace[Diverge.def] "individual body (after decl): {body}" pure body -- Generate a unique function body from the bodies of the mutually recursive group, -- and add it as a declaration in the context. -- We return the list of bodies (of type `FixI.Funs ...`) and the mutually recursive body. def mkDeclareMutRecBody (grName : Name) (grLvlParams : List Name) (kk_var i_var : Expr) (in_ty out_ty : Expr) (inOutTys : List (Expr × Expr)) (bodies : Array Expr) : MetaM (Expr × Expr) := do -- Generate the body let grSize := bodies.size let finTypeExpr := mkFin grSize -- TODO: not very clean let inOutTyType ← do let (x, y) := inOutTys.get! 0 inferType (← mkInOutTy x y) let rec mkFuns (inOutTys : List (Expr × Expr)) (bl : List Expr) : MetaM Expr := match inOutTys, bl with | [], [] => mkAppOptM ``FixI.Funs.Nil #[finTypeExpr, in_ty, out_ty] | (ity, oty) :: inOutTys, b :: bl => do -- Retrieving ity and oty - this is not very clean let inOutTysExpr ← mkListLit inOutTyType (← inOutTys.mapM (λ (x, y) => mkInOutTy x y)) let fl ← mkFuns inOutTys bl mkAppOptM ``FixI.Funs.Cons #[finTypeExpr, in_ty, out_ty, ity, oty, inOutTysExpr, b, fl] | _, _ => throwError "mkDeclareMutRecBody: `tys` and `bodies` don't have the same length" let bodyFuns ← mkFuns inOutTys bodies.toList -- Wrap in `get_fun` let body ← mkAppM ``FixI.get_fun #[bodyFuns, i_var, kk_var] -- Add the index `i` and the continuation `k` as a variables let body ← mkLambdaFVars #[kk_var, i_var] body trace[Diverge.def] "mkDeclareMutRecBody: body: {body}" -- Add the declaration let name := grName.append "mut_rec_body" let levelParams := grLvlParams let decl := Declaration.defnDecl { name := name levelParams := levelParams type := ← inferType body value := body hints := ReducibilityHints.regular (getMaxHeight (← getEnv) body + 1) safety := .safe all := [name] } addDecl decl -- Return the bodies and the constant pure (bodyFuns, Lean.mkConst name ( .param)) def isCasesExpr (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do let e := e.getAppFn if e.isConst then return isCasesOnRecursor (← getEnv) e.constName else return false structure MatchInfo where matcherName : Name matcherLevels : Array Level params : Array Expr motive : Expr scruts : Array Expr branchesNumParams : Array Nat branches : Array Expr instance : ToMessageData MatchInfo where -- This is not a very clean formatting, but we don't need more toMessageData := fun me => m!"\n- matcherName: {me.matcherName}\n- params: {me.params}\n- motive: {me.motive}\n- scruts: {me.scruts}\n- branchesNumParams: {me.branchesNumParams}\n- branches: {me.branches}" -- Small helper: prove that an expression which doesn't use the continuation `kk` -- is valid, and return the proof. def proveNoKExprIsValid (k_var : Expr) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveNoKExprIsValid: {e}" let eIsValid ← mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid_p_same #[k_var, e] trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveNoKExprIsValid: result:\n{eIsValid}:\n{← inferType eIsValid}" pure eIsValid mutual /- Prove that an expression is valid, and return the proof. More precisely, if `e` is an expression which potentially uses the continution `kk`, return an expression of type: ``` is_valid_p k (λ kk => e) ``` -/ partial def proveExprIsValid (k_var kk_var : Expr) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveValid: {e}" match e with | .const _ _ => throwError "Unimplemented" -- Shouldn't get there? | .bvar _ | .fvar _ | .lit _ | .mvar _ | .sort _ => throwError "Unreachable" | .lam .. => throwError "Unimplemented" -- TODO | .forallE .. => throwError "Unreachable" -- Shouldn't get there | .letE .. => do -- Telescope all the let-bindings (remark: this also telescopes the lambdas) lambdaLetTelescope e fun xs body => do -- Note that we don't visit the bound values: there shouldn't be -- recursive calls, lambda expressions, etc. inside -- Prove that the body is valid let isValid ← proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var body -- Add the let-bindings around. -- Rem.: the let-binding should be *inside* the `is_valid_p`, not outside, -- but because it reduces in the end it doesn't matter. More precisely: -- `P (let x := v in y)` and `let x := v in P y` reduce to the same expression. mkLambdaFVars xs isValid (usedLetOnly := false) | .mdata _ b => proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var b | .proj _ _ _ => -- The projection shouldn't use the continuation proveNoKExprIsValid k_var e | .app .. => e.withApp fun f args => do -- There are several cases: first, check if this is a match/if -- Check if the expression is a (dependent) if then else. -- We treat the if then else expressions differently from the other matches, -- and have dedicated theorems for them. let isIte := e.isIte if isIte || e.isDIte then do e.withApp fun f args => do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "ite/dite: {f}:\n{args}" if args.size ≠ 5 then throwError "Wrong number of parameters for {f}: {args}" let cond := args.get! 1 let dec := args.get! 2 -- Prove that the branches are valid let br0 := args.get! 3 let br1 := args.get! 4 let proveBranchValid (br : Expr) : MetaM Expr := if isIte then proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var br else do -- There is a lambda lambdaOne br fun x br => do let brValid ← proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var br mkLambdaFVars #[x] brValid let br0Valid ← proveBranchValid br0 let br1Valid ← proveBranchValid br1 let const := if isIte then ``FixI.is_valid_p_ite else ``FixI.is_valid_p_dite let eIsValid ← mkAppOptM const #[none, none, none, none, some k_var, some cond, some dec, none, none, some br0Valid, some br1Valid] trace[Diverge.def.valid] "ite/dite: result:\n{eIsValid}:\n{← inferType eIsValid}" pure eIsValid -- Check if the expression is a match (this case is for when the elaborator -- introduces auxiliary definitions to hide the match behind syntactic -- sugar): else if let some me := ← matchMatcherApp? e then do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "matcherApp: - params: {me.params} - motive: {me.motive} - discrs: {me.discrs} - altNumParams: {me.altNumParams} - alts: {me.alts} - remaining: {me.remaining}" -- matchMatcherApp does all the work for us: we simply need to gather -- the information and call the auxiliary helper `proveMatchIsValid` if me.remaining.size ≠ 0 then throwError "MatcherApp: non empty remaining array: {me.remaining}" let me : MatchInfo := { matcherName := me.matcherName matcherLevels := me.matcherLevels params := me.params motive := me.motive scruts := me.discrs branchesNumParams := me.altNumParams branches := me.alts } proveMatchIsValid k_var kk_var me -- Check if the expression is a raw match (this case is for when the expression -- is a direct call to the primitive `casesOn` function, without syntactic sugar). -- We have to check this case because functions like `mkSigmasMatch`, which we -- use to currify function bodies, introduce such raw matches. else if ← isCasesExpr f then do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "rawMatch: {e}" -- Deconstruct the match, and call the auxiliary helper `proveMatchIsValid`. -- -- The casesOn definition is always of the following shape: -- - input parameters (implicit parameters) -- - motive (implicit), -- the motive gives the return type of the match -- - scrutinee (explicit) -- - branches (explicit). -- In particular, we notice that the scrutinee is the first *explicit* -- parameter - this is how we spot it. let matcherName := f.constName! let matcherLevels := f.constLevels!.toArray -- Find the first explicit parameter: this is the scrutinee forallTelescope (← inferType f) fun xs _ => do let rec findFirstExplicit (i : Nat) : MetaM Nat := do if i ≥ xs.size then throwError "Unexpected: could not find an explicit parameter" else let x := xs.get! i let xFVarId := x.fvarId! let localDecl ← xFVarId.getDecl match localDecl.binderInfo with | .default => pure i | _ => findFirstExplicit (i + 1) let scrutIdx ← findFirstExplicit 0 -- Split the arguments let params := args.extract 0 (scrutIdx - 1) let motive := args.get! (scrutIdx - 1) let scrut := args.get! scrutIdx let branches := args.extract (scrutIdx + 1) args.size -- Compute the number of parameters for the branches: for this we use -- the type of the uninstantiated casesOn constant (we can't just -- destruct the lambdas in the branch expressions because the result -- of a match might be a lambda expression). let branchesNumParams : Array Nat ← do let env ← getEnv let decl := env.constants.find! matcherName let ty := decl.type forallTelescope ty fun xs _ => do let xs := xs.extract (scrutIdx + 1) xs.size xs.mapM fun x => do let xty ← inferType x forallTelescope xty fun ys _ => do pure ys.size let me : MatchInfo := { matcherName, matcherLevels, params, motive, scruts := #[scrut], branchesNumParams, branches, } proveMatchIsValid k_var kk_var me -- Check if this is a monadic let-binding else if f.isConstOf ``Bind.bind then do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "bind:\n{args}" -- We simply need to prove that the subexpressions are valid, and call -- the appropriate lemma. let x := args.get! 4 let y := args.get! 5 -- Prove that the subexpressions are valid let xValid ← proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var x trace[Diverge.def.valid] "bind: xValid:\n{xValid}:\n{← inferType xValid}" let yValid ← do -- This is a lambda expression lambdaOne y fun x y => do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "bind: y: {y}" let yValid ← proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var y trace[Diverge.def.valid] "bind: yValid (no forall): {yValid}" trace[Diverge.def.valid] "bind: yValid: x: {x}" let yValid ← mkLambdaFVars #[x] yValid trace[Diverge.def.valid] "bind: yValid (forall): {yValid}: {← inferType yValid}" pure yValid -- Put everything together trace[Diverge.def.valid] "bind:\n- xValid: {xValid}: {← inferType xValid}\n- yValid: {yValid}: {← inferType yValid}" mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid_p_bind #[xValid, yValid] -- Check if this is a recursive call, i.e., a call to the continuation `kk` else if f.isFVarOf kk_var.fvarId! then do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "rec: args: \n{args}" if args.size ≠ 2 then throwError "Recursive call with invalid number of parameters: {args}" let i_arg := args.get! 0 let x_arg := args.get! 1 let eIsValid ← mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid_p_rec #[k_var, i_arg, x_arg] trace[Diverge.def.valid] "rec: result: \n{eIsValid}" pure eIsValid else do -- Remaining case: normal application. -- It shouldn't use the continuation. -- TODO: actually, it can proveNoKExprIsValid k_var e -- Prove that a match expression is valid. partial def proveMatchIsValid (k_var kk_var : Expr) (me : MatchInfo) : MetaM Expr := do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveMatchIsValid: {me}" -- Prove the validity of the branch expressions let branchesValid:Array Expr ← me.branches.mapIdxM fun idx br => do -- Go inside the lambdas - note that we have to be careful: some of the -- binders might come from the match, and some of the binders might come -- from the fact that the expression in the match is a lambda expression: -- we use the branchesNumParams field for this reason let numParams := me.branchesNumParams.get! idx lambdaTelescopeN br numParams fun xs br => do -- Prove that the branch expression is valid let brValid ← proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var br -- Reconstruct the lambda expression mkLambdaFVars xs brValid trace[Diverge.def.valid] "branchesValid:\n{branchesValid}" -- Compute the motive, which has the following shape: -- ``` -- λ scrut => is_valid_p k (λ k => match scrut with ...) -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- this is the original match expression, with the -- the difference that the scrutinee(s) is a variable -- ``` let validMotive : Expr ← do -- The motive is a function of the scrutinees (i.e., a lambda expression): -- introduce binders for the scrutinees let declInfos := me.scruts.mapIdx fun idx scrut => let name : Name := mkAnonymous "scrut" idx let ty := λ (_ : Array Expr) => inferType scrut (name, ty) withLocalDeclsD declInfos fun scrutVars => do -- Create a match expression but where the scrutinees have been replaced -- by variables let params : Array (Option Expr) := some let motive : Option Expr := some me.motive let scruts : Array (Option Expr) := some let branches : Array (Option Expr) := some let args := params ++ [motive] ++ scruts ++ branches let matchE ← mkAppOptM me.matcherName args -- Wrap in the `is_valid_p` predicate let matchE ← mkLambdaFVars #[kk_var] matchE let validMotive ← mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid_p #[k_var, matchE] -- Abstract away the scrutinee variables mkLambdaFVars scrutVars validMotive trace[Diverge.def.valid] "valid motive: {validMotive}" -- Put together let valid ← do -- We let Lean infer the parameters let params : Array (Option Expr) := (λ _ => none) let motive := some validMotive let scruts := some let branches := some let args := params ++ [motive] ++ scruts ++ branches mkAppOptM me.matcherName args trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveMatchIsValid:\n{valid}:\n{← inferType valid}" pure valid end -- Prove that a single body (in the mutually recursive group) is valid. -- -- For instance, if we define the mutually recursive group [`is_even`, `is_odd`], -- we prove that `is_even.body` and `is_odd.body` are valid. partial def proveSingleBodyIsValid (k_var : Expr) (preDef : PreDefinition) (bodyConst : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveSingleBodyIsValid: bodyConst: {bodyConst}" -- Lookup the definition (`bodyConst` is a const, we want to retrieve its -- definition to dive inside) let name := bodyConst.constName! let env ← getEnv let body := (env.constants.find! name).value! trace[Diverge.def.valid] "body: {body}" lambdaTelescope body fun xs body => do assert! xs.size = 2 let kk_var := xs.get! 0 let x_var := xs.get! 1 -- State the type of the theorem to prove let thmTy ← mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid_p #[k_var, ← mkLambdaFVars #[kk_var] (← mkAppM' bodyConst #[kk_var, x_var])] trace[Diverge.def.valid] "thmTy: {thmTy}" -- Prove that the body is valid let proof ← proveExprIsValid k_var kk_var body let proof ← mkLambdaFVars #[k_var, x_var] proof trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveSingleBodyIsValid: proof:\n{proof}:\n{← inferType proof}" -- The target type (we don't have to do this: this is simply a sanity check, -- and this allows a nicer debugging output) let thmTy ← do let body ← mkAppM' bodyConst #[kk_var, x_var] let body ← mkLambdaFVars #[kk_var] body let ty ← mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid_p #[k_var, body] mkForallFVars #[k_var, x_var] ty trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveSingleBodyIsValid: thmTy\n{thmTy}:\n{← inferType thmTy}" -- Save the theorem let name := preDef.declName ++ "body_is_valid" let decl := Declaration.thmDecl { name levelParams := preDef.levelParams type := thmTy value := proof all := [name] } addDecl decl trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveSingleBodyIsValid: added thm: {name}" -- Return the theorem pure (Expr.const name ( .param)) -- Prove that the list of bodies are valid. -- -- For instance, if we define the mutually recursive group [`is_even`, `is_odd`], -- we prove that `Funs.Cons is_even.body (Funs.Cons is_odd.body Funs.Nil)` is -- valid. partial def proveFunsBodyIsValid (inOutTys: Expr) (bodyFuns : Expr) (k_var : Expr) (bodiesValid : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr := do -- Create the big "and" expression, which groups the validity proof of the individual bodies let rec mkValidConj (i : Nat) : MetaM Expr := do if i = bodiesValid.size then -- We reached the end mkAppM ``FixI.Funs.is_valid_p_Nil #[k_var] else do -- We haven't reached the end: introduce a conjunction let valid := bodiesValid.get! i let valid ← mkAppM' valid #[k_var] mkAppM ``And.intro #[valid, ← mkValidConj (i + 1)] let andExpr ← mkValidConj 0 -- Wrap in the `is_valid_p_is_valid_p` theorem, and abstract the continuation let isValid ← mkAppM ``FixI.Funs.is_valid_p_is_valid_p #[inOutTys, k_var, bodyFuns, andExpr] mkLambdaFVars #[k_var] isValid -- Prove that the mut rec body (i.e., the unary body which groups the bodies -- of all the functions in the mutually recursive group and on which we will -- apply the fixed-point operator) is valid. -- -- We save the proof in the theorem "[GROUP_NAME]."mut_rec_body_is_valid", -- which we return. -- -- TODO: maybe this function should introduce k_var itself def proveMutRecIsValid (grName : Name) (grLvlParams : List Name) (inOutTys : Expr) (bodyFuns mutRecBodyConst : Expr) (k_var : Expr) (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (bodies : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr := do -- First prove that the individual bodies are valid let bodiesValid ← bodies.mapIdxM fun idx body => do let preDef := preDefs.get! idx trace[Diverge.def.valid] "## Proving that the body {body} is valid" proveSingleBodyIsValid k_var preDef body -- Then prove that the mut rec body is valid trace[Diverge.def.valid] "## Proving that the 'Funs' body is valid" let isValid ← proveFunsBodyIsValid inOutTys bodyFuns k_var bodiesValid -- Save the theorem let thmTy ← mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid #[mutRecBodyConst] let name := grName ++ "mut_rec_body_is_valid" let decl := Declaration.thmDecl { name levelParams := grLvlParams type := thmTy value := isValid all := [name] } addDecl decl trace[Diverge.def.valid] "proveFunsBodyIsValid: added thm: {name}:\n{thmTy}" -- Return the theorem pure (Expr.const name ( .param)) -- Generate the final definions by using the mutual body and the fixed point operator. -- -- For instance: -- ``` -- def is_even (i : Int) : Result Bool := mut_rec_body 0 i -- def is_odd (i : Int) : Result Bool := mut_rec_body 1 i -- ``` def mkDeclareFixDefs (mutRecBody : Expr) (inOutTys : Array (Expr × Expr)) (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) : TermElabM (Array Name) := do let grSize := preDefs.size let defs ← preDefs.mapIdxM fun idx preDef => do lambdaTelescope preDef.value fun xs _ => do -- Retrieve the input type let in_ty := (inOutTys.get! idx.val).fst -- Create the index let idx ← mkFinVal grSize idx.val -- Group the inputs into a dependent tuple let input ← mkSigmasVal in_ty xs.toList -- Apply the fixed point let fixedBody ← mkAppM ``FixI.fix #[mutRecBody, idx, input] let fixedBody ← mkLambdaFVars xs fixedBody -- Create the declaration let name := preDef.declName let decl := Declaration.defnDecl { name := name levelParams := preDef.levelParams type := preDef.type value := fixedBody hints := ReducibilityHints.regular (getMaxHeight (← getEnv) fixedBody + 1) safety := .safe all := [name] } addDecl decl pure name pure defs -- Prove the equations that we will use as unfolding theorems partial def proveUnfoldingThms (isValidThm : Expr) (inOutTys : Array (Expr × Expr)) (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (decls : Array Name) : MetaM Unit := do let grSize := preDefs.size let proveIdx (i : Nat) : MetaM Unit := do let preDef := preDefs.get! i let defName := decls.get! i -- Retrieve the arguments lambdaTelescope preDef.value fun xs body => do trace[Diverge.def.unfold] "proveUnfoldingThms: xs: {xs}" trace[Diverge.def.unfold] "proveUnfoldingThms: body: {body}" -- The theorem statement let thmTy ← do -- The equation: the declaration gives the lhs, the pre-def gives the rhs let lhs ← mkAppOptM defName ( some) let rhs := body let eq ← mkAppM ``Eq #[lhs, rhs] mkForallFVars xs eq trace[Diverge.def.unfold] "proveUnfoldingThms: thm statement: {thmTy}" -- The proof -- Use the fixed-point equation let proof ← mkAppM ``FixI.is_valid_fix_fixed_eq #[isValidThm] -- Add the index let idx ← mkFinVal grSize i let proof ← mkAppM ``congr_fun #[proof, idx] -- Add the input argument let arg ← mkSigmasVal (inOutTys.get! i).fst xs.toList let proof ← mkAppM ``congr_fun #[proof, arg] -- Abstract the arguments away let proof ← mkLambdaFVars xs proof trace[Diverge.def.unfold] "proveUnfoldingThms: proof: {proof}:\n{← inferType proof}" -- Declare the theorem let name := preDef.declName ++ "unfold" let decl := Declaration.thmDecl { name levelParams := preDef.levelParams type := thmTy value := proof all := [name] } addDecl decl -- Add the unfolding theorem to the equation compiler eqnsAttribute.add preDef.declName #[name] trace[Diverge.def.unfold] "proveUnfoldingThms: added thm: {name}:\n{thmTy}" let rec prove (i : Nat) : MetaM Unit := do if i = preDefs.size then pure () else do proveIdx i prove (i + 1) -- prove 0 def divRecursion (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) : TermElabM Unit := do let msg := toMessageData <| fun pd => (pd.declName, pd.levelParams, pd.type, pd.value) trace[Diverge.def] ("divRecursion: defs:\n" ++ msg) -- TODO: what is this? for preDef in preDefs do applyAttributesOf #[preDef] AttributeApplicationTime.afterCompilation -- Retrieve the name of the first definition, that we will use as the namespace -- for the definitions common to the group let def0 := preDefs[0]! let grName := def0.declName trace[Diverge.def] "group name: {grName}" /- # Compute the input/output types of the continuation `k`. -/ let grLvlParams := def0.levelParams trace[Diverge.def] "def0 universe levels: {def0.levelParams}" -- We first compute the list of pairs: (input type × output type) let inOutTys : Array (Expr × Expr) ← preDefs.mapM (fun preDef => do withRef preDef.ref do -- is the withRef useful? -- Check the universe parameters - TODO: I'm not sure what the best thing -- to do is. In practice, all the type parameters should be in Type 0, so -- we shouldn't have universe issues. if preDef.levelParams ≠ grLvlParams then throwError "Non-uniform polymorphism in the universes" forallTelescope preDef.type (fun in_tys out_ty => do let in_ty ← liftM (mkSigmasType in_tys.toList) -- Retrieve the type in the "Result" let out_ty ← getResultTy out_ty let out_ty ← liftM (mkSigmasMatch in_tys.toList out_ty) pure (in_ty, out_ty) ) ) trace[Diverge.def] "inOutTys: {inOutTys}" -- Turn the list of input/output type pairs into an expresion let inOutTysExpr ← inOutTys.mapM (λ (x, y) => mkInOutTy x y) let inOutTysExpr ← mkListLit (← inferType (inOutTysExpr.get! 0)) inOutTysExpr.toList -- From the list of pairs of input/output types, actually compute the -- type of the continuation `k`. -- We first introduce the index `i : Fin n` where `n` is the number of -- functions in the group. let i_var_ty := mkFin preDefs.size withLocalDeclD (mkAnonymous "i" 0) i_var_ty fun i_var => do let in_out_ty ← mkAppM ``List.get #[inOutTysExpr, i_var] trace[Diverge.def] "in_out_ty := {in_out_ty} : {← inferType in_out_ty}" -- Add an auxiliary definition for `in_out_ty` let in_out_ty ← do let value ← mkLambdaFVars #[i_var] in_out_ty let name := grName.append "in_out_ty" let levelParams := grLvlParams let decl := Declaration.defnDecl { name := name levelParams := levelParams type := ← inferType value value := value hints := .abbrev safety := .safe all := [name] } addDecl decl -- Return the constant let in_out_ty := Lean.mkConst name ( .param) mkAppM' in_out_ty #[i_var] trace[Diverge.def] "in_out_ty (after decl) := {in_out_ty} : {← inferType in_out_ty}" let in_ty ← mkAppM ``Sigma.fst #[in_out_ty] trace[Diverge.def] "in_ty: {in_ty}" withLocalDeclD (mkAnonymous "x" 1) in_ty fun input => do let out_ty ← mkAppM' (← mkAppM ``Sigma.snd #[in_out_ty]) #[input] trace[Diverge.def] "out_ty: {out_ty}" -- Introduce the continuation `k` let in_ty ← mkLambdaFVars #[i_var] in_ty let out_ty ← mkLambdaFVars #[i_var, input] out_ty let kk_var_ty ← mkAppM ``FixI.kk_ty #[i_var_ty, in_ty, out_ty] trace[Diverge.def] "kk_var_ty: {kk_var_ty}" withLocalDeclD (mkAnonymous "kk" 2) kk_var_ty fun kk_var => do trace[Diverge.def] "kk_var: {kk_var}" -- Replace the recursive calls in all the function bodies by calls to the -- continuation `k` and and generate for those bodies declarations trace[Diverge.def] "# Generating the unary bodies" let bodies ← mkDeclareUnaryBodies grLvlParams kk_var inOutTys preDefs trace[Diverge.def] "Unary bodies (after decl): {bodies}" -- Generate the mutually recursive body trace[Diverge.def] "# Generating the mut rec body" let (bodyFuns, mutRecBody) ← mkDeclareMutRecBody grName grLvlParams kk_var i_var in_ty out_ty inOutTys.toList bodies trace[Diverge.def] "mut rec body (after decl): {mutRecBody}" -- Prove that the mut rec body satisfies the validity criteria required by -- our fixed-point let k_var_ty ← mkAppM ``FixI.k_ty #[i_var_ty, in_ty, out_ty] withLocalDeclD (mkAnonymous "k" 3) k_var_ty fun k_var => do trace[Diverge.def] "# Proving that the mut rec body is valid" let isValidThm ← proveMutRecIsValid grName grLvlParams inOutTysExpr bodyFuns mutRecBody k_var preDefs bodies -- Generate the final definitions trace[Diverge.def] "# Generating the final definitions" let decls ← mkDeclareFixDefs mutRecBody inOutTys preDefs -- Prove the unfolding theorems trace[Diverge.def] "# Proving the unfolding theorems" proveUnfoldingThms isValidThm inOutTys preDefs decls -- Generating code -- TODO addAndCompilePartialRec preDefs -- The following function is copy&pasted from Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Main -- This is the only part where we make actual changes and hook into the equation compiler. -- (I've removed all the well-founded stuff to make it easier to read though.) open private ensureNoUnassignedMVarsAtPreDef betaReduceLetRecApps partitionPreDefs addAndCompilePartial addAsAxioms from Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Main def addPreDefinitions (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) : TermElabM Unit := withLCtx {} {} do for preDef in preDefs do trace[Diverge.elab] "{preDef.declName} : {preDef.type} :=\n{preDef.value}" let preDefs ← preDefs.mapM ensureNoUnassignedMVarsAtPreDef let preDefs ← betaReduceLetRecApps preDefs let cliques := partitionPreDefs preDefs let mut hasErrors := false for preDefs in cliques do trace[Diverge.elab] "{ (·.declName)}" try withRef (preDefs[0]!.ref) do divRecursion preDefs catch ex => -- If it failed, we add the functions as partial functions hasErrors := true logException ex let s ← saveState try if preDefs.all fun preDef => preDef.kind == DefKind.def || preDefs.all fun preDef => preDef.kind == DefKind.abbrev then -- try to add as partial definition try addAndCompilePartial preDefs (useSorry := true) catch _ => -- Compilation failed try again just as axiom s.restore addAsAxioms preDefs else return () catch _ => s.restore -- The following two functions are copy-pasted from Lean.Elab.MutualDef open private elabHeaders levelMVarToParamHeaders getAllUserLevelNames withFunLocalDecls elabFunValues instantiateMVarsAtHeader instantiateMVarsAtLetRecToLift checkLetRecsToLiftTypes withUsed from Lean.Elab.MutualDef def Term.elabMutualDef (vars : Array Expr) (views : Array DefView) : TermElabM Unit := do let scopeLevelNames ← getLevelNames let headers ← elabHeaders views let headers ← levelMVarToParamHeaders views headers let allUserLevelNames := getAllUserLevelNames headers withFunLocalDecls headers fun funFVars => do for view in views, funFVar in funFVars do addLocalVarInfo view.declId funFVar -- Add fake use site to prevent "unused variable" warning (if the -- function is actually not recursive, Lean would print this warning). -- Remark: we could detect this case and encode the function without -- using the fixed-point. In practice it shouldn't happen however: -- we define non-recursive functions with the `divergent` keyword -- only for testing purposes. addTermInfo' view.declId funFVar let values ← try let values ← elabFunValues headers Term.synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing values.mapM (instantiateMVars ·) catch ex => logException ex headers.mapM fun header => mkSorry header.type (synthetic := true) let headers ← headers.mapM instantiateMVarsAtHeader let letRecsToLift ← getLetRecsToLift let letRecsToLift ← letRecsToLift.mapM instantiateMVarsAtLetRecToLift checkLetRecsToLiftTypes funFVars letRecsToLift withUsed vars headers values letRecsToLift fun vars => do let preDefs ← MutualClosure.main vars headers funFVars values letRecsToLift for preDef in preDefs do trace[Diverge.elab] "{preDef.declName} : {preDef.type} :=\n{preDef.value}" let preDefs ← withLevelNames allUserLevelNames <| levelMVarToParamPreDecls preDefs let preDefs ← instantiateMVarsAtPreDecls preDefs let preDefs ← fixLevelParams preDefs scopeLevelNames allUserLevelNames for preDef in preDefs do trace[Diverge.elab] "after eraseAuxDiscr, {preDef.declName} : {preDef.type} :=\n{preDef.value}" checkForHiddenUnivLevels allUserLevelNames preDefs addPreDefinitions preDefs open Command in def Command.elabMutualDef (ds : Array Syntax) : CommandElabM Unit := do let views ← ds.mapM fun d => do let `($mods:declModifiers divergent def $id:declId $sig:optDeclSig $val:declVal) := d | throwUnsupportedSyntax let modifiers ← elabModifiers mods let (binders, type) := expandOptDeclSig sig let deriving? := none pure { ref := d, kind := DefKind.def, modifiers, declId := id, binders, type? := type, value := val, deriving? } runTermElabM fun vars => Term.elabMutualDef vars views -- Special command so that we don't fall back to the built-in mutual when we produce an error. local syntax "_divergent" : command elab_rules : command | `(_divergent mutual $decls* end) => Command.elabMutualDef decls macro_rules | `(mutual $decls* end) => do unless !decls.isEmpty && decls.all (·.1.getKind == ``divergentDef) do Macro.throwUnsupported `(command| _divergent mutual $decls* end) open private setDeclIdName from Lean.Elab.Declaration elab_rules : command | `($mods:declModifiers divergent%$tk def $id:declId $sig:optDeclSig $val:declVal) => do let (name, _) := expandDeclIdCore id if (`_root_).isPrefixOf name then throwUnsupportedSyntax let view := extractMacroScopes name let .str ns shortName := | throwUnsupportedSyntax let shortName' := { view with name := shortName }.review let cmd ← `(mutual $mods:declModifiers divergent%$tk def $(⟨setDeclIdName id shortName'⟩):declId $sig:optDeclSig $val:declVal end) if ns matches .anonymous then Command.elabCommand cmd else Command.elabCommand <| ← `(namespace $(mkIdentFrom id ns) $cmd end $(mkIdentFrom id ns)) namespace Tests /- Some examples of partial functions -/ divergent def list_nth {a: Type} (ls : List a) (i : Int) : Result a := match ls with | [] => .fail .panic | x :: ls => if i = 0 then return x else return (← list_nth ls (i - 1)) #check list_nth.unfold example {a: Type} (ls : List a) : ∀ (i : Int), 0 ≤ i → i < ls.length → ∃ x, list_nth ls i = .ret x := by induction ls . intro i hpos h; simp at h; linarith . rename_i hd tl ih intro i hpos h -- We can directly use `rw [list_nth]` rw [list_nth]; simp split <;> try simp [*] . tauto . -- We don't have to do this if we use scalar_tac have hneq : 0 < i := by cases i <;> rename_i a _ <;> simp_all; cases a <;> simp_all simp at h have ⟨ x, ih ⟩ := ih (i - 1) (by linarith) (by linarith) simp [ih] tauto -- Return a continuation divergent def list_nth_with_back {a: Type} (ls : List a) (i : Int) : Result (a × (a → Result (List a))) := match ls with | [] => .fail .panic | x :: ls => if i = 0 then return (x, (λ ret => return (ret :: ls))) else do let (x, back) ← list_nth_with_back ls (i - 1) return (x, (λ ret => do let ls ← back ret return (x :: ls))) #check list_nth_with_back.unfold mutual divergent def is_even (i : Int) : Result Bool := if i = 0 then return true else return (← is_odd (i - 1)) divergent def is_odd (i : Int) : Result Bool := if i = 0 then return false else return (← is_even (i - 1)) end #check is_even.unfold #check is_odd.unfold mutual divergent def foo (i : Int) : Result Nat := if i > 10 then return (← foo (i / 10)) + (← bar i) else bar 10 divergent def bar (i : Int) : Result Nat := if i > 20 then foo (i / 20) else .ret 42 end #check foo.unfold #check bar.unfold -- Testing dependent branching and let-bindings divergent def isNonZero (i : Int) : Result Bool := if _h:i = 0 then return false else let b := true return b #check isNonZero.unfold -- Testing let-bindings divergent def iInBounds {a : Type} (ls : List a) (i : Int) : Result Bool := let i0 := ls.length if i < i0 then Result.ret True else Result.ret False #check iInBounds.unfold divergent def isCons {a : Type} (ls : List a) : Result Bool := let ls1 := ls match ls1 with | [] => Result.ret False | _ :: _ => Result.ret True #check isCons.unfold -- Testing what happens when we use concrete arguments in dependent tuples divergent def test1 (_ : Option Bool) (_ : Unit) : Result Unit := test1 Option.none () #check test1.unfold end Tests end Diverge