import Base.Arith.Int import Base.Primitives.Scalar /- Automation for scalars - TODO: not sure it is worth having two files (Int.lean and Scalar.lean) -/ namespace Arith open Lean Lean.Elab Lean.Meta open Primitives def scalarTacExtraPreprocess : Tactic.TacticM Unit := do Tactic.withMainContext do -- Inroduce the bounds for the isize/usize types let add (e : Expr) : Tactic.TacticM Unit := do let ty ← inferType e let _ ← Utils.addDeclTac (← Utils.mkFreshAnonPropUserName) e ty (asLet := false) add (← mkAppM ``Scalar.cMin_bound #[.const ``ScalarTy.Isize []]) add (← mkAppM ``Scalar.cMax_bound #[.const ``ScalarTy.Usize []]) add (← mkAppM ``Scalar.cMax_bound #[.const ``ScalarTy.Isize []]) -- Reveal the concrete bounds, simplify calls to [ofInt] Utils.simpAt true {} -- Simprocs intTacSimpRocs -- Unfoldings [``Scalar.min, ``Scalar.max, ``Scalar.cMin, ``Scalar.cMax, ``I8.min, ``I16.min, ``I32.min, ``I64.min, ``I128.min, ``I8.max, ``I16.max, ``I32.max, ``I64.max, ``I128.max, ``U8.min, ``U16.min, ``U32.min, ``U64.min, ``U128.min, ``U8.max, ``U16.max, ``U32.max, ``U64.max, ``U128.max, ``Usize.min ] -- Simp lemmas [``Scalar.ofInt_val_eq, ``Scalar.neq_to_neq_val, ``Scalar.lt_equiv, ``Scalar.le_equiv, ``Scalar.eq_equiv] -- Hypotheses [] .wildcard elab "scalar_tac_preprocess" : tactic => intTacPreprocess scalarTacExtraPreprocess -- A tactic to solve linear arithmetic goals in the presence of scalars def scalarTac (splitGoalConjs : Bool) : Tactic.TacticM Unit := do intTac "scalar_tac" splitGoalConjs scalarTacExtraPreprocess elab "scalar_tac" : tactic => scalarTac false -- For termination proofs syntax "scalar_decr_tac" : tactic macro_rules | `(tactic| scalar_decr_tac) => `(tactic| simp_wf; -- TODO: don't use a macro (namespace problems) (first | apply Arith.to_int_to_nat_lt | apply Arith.to_int_sub_to_nat_lt) <;> simp_all <;> scalar_tac) instance (ty : ScalarTy) : HasIntProp (Scalar ty) where -- prop_ty is inferred prop := λ x => And.intro x.hmin x.hmax example (x _y : U32) : x.val ≤ Scalar.max ScalarTy.U32 := by intro_has_int_prop_instances simp [*] example (x _y : U32) : x.val ≤ Scalar.max ScalarTy.U32 := by scalar_tac -- Checking that we explore the goal *and* projectors correctly example (x : U32 × U32) : 0 ≤ x.fst.val := by scalar_tac -- Checking that we properly handle [ofInt] example : U32.ofInt 1 ≤ U32.max := by scalar_tac example (x : Int) (h0 : 0 ≤ x) (h1 : x ≤ U32.max) : U32.ofIntCore x (by constructor <;> scalar_tac) ≤ U32.max := by scalar_tac -- Not equal example (x : U32) (h0 : ¬ x = U32.ofInt 0) : 0 < x.val := by scalar_tac /- See this: We solved it by removing the instance `OfNat` for `Scalar`. Note however that we could also solve it with a simplification lemma. However, after testing, we noticed we could only apply such a lemma with the rewriting tactic (not the simplifier), probably because of the use of typeclasses. -/ example {u: U64} (h1: (u : Int) < 2): (u : Int) = 0 ∨ (u : Int) = 1 := by scalar_tac example (x : I32) : -100000000000 < x.val := by scalar_tac example : (Usize.ofInt 2).val ≠ 0 := by scalar_tac end Arith