import Lean import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith -- Introduces a lot of useful lemmas namespace Arith open Lean Elab Term Meta -- We can't define and use trace classes in the same file initialize registerTraceClass `Arith -- TODO: move? theorem ne_zero_is_lt_or_gt {x : Int} (hne : x ≠ 0) : x < 0 ∨ x > 0 := by cases h: x <;> simp_all . rename_i n; cases n <;> simp_all . apply Int.negSucc_lt_zero -- TODO: move? theorem ne_is_lt_or_gt {x y : Int} (hne : x ≠ y) : x < y ∨ x > y := by have hne : x - y ≠ 0 := by simp intro h have: x = y := by omega simp_all have h := ne_zero_is_lt_or_gt hne match h with | .inl _ => left; omega | .inr _ => right; omega -- TODO: move? theorem add_one_le_iff_le_ne (n m : Nat) (h1 : m ≤ n) (h2 : m ≠ n) : m + 1 ≤ n := by -- Damn, those proofs on natural numbers are hard - I wish Omega was in mathlib4... simp [Nat.add_one_le_iff] simp [Nat.lt_iff_le_and_ne] simp_all /- Induction over positive integers -/ -- TODO: move theorem int_pos_ind (p : Int → Prop) : (zero:p 0) → (pos:∀ i, 0 ≤ i → p i → p (i + 1)) → ∀ i, 0 ≤ i → p i := by intro h0 hr i hpos -- have heq : Int.toNat i = i := by -- cases i <;> simp_all have ⟨ n, heq ⟩ : {n:Nat // n = i } := ⟨ Int.toNat i, by cases i <;> simp_all ⟩ revert i induction n . intro i hpos heq cases i <;> simp_all . rename_i n hi intro i hpos heq cases i <;> simp_all rename_i m cases m <;> simp_all -- We sometimes need this to make sure no natural numbers appear in the goals -- TODO: there is probably something more general to do theorem nat_zero_eq_int_zero : (0 : Nat) = (0 : Int) := by simp -- This is mostly used in termination proofs theorem to_int_to_nat_lt (x y : ℤ) (h0 : 0 ≤ x) (h1 : x < y) : ↑(x.toNat) < y := by simp [*] -- This is mostly used in termination proofs theorem to_int_sub_to_nat_lt (x y : ℤ) (x' : ℕ) (h0 : ↑x' ≤ x) (h1 : x - ↑x' < y) : ↑(x.toNat - x') < y := by have : 0 ≤ x := by omega simp [Int.toNat_sub_of_le, *] end Arith