structure saveThmsLib = struct type simpset = simpLib.simpset; open HolKernel boolLib markerLib; val op++ = simpLib.++; val op-* = simpLib.-*; val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "saveThmsLib"; fun add_simpls tyinfo ss = (ss ++ simpLib.tyi_to_ssdata tyinfo) handle HOL_ERR _ => ss (* TODO: what is this? *) fun tyinfol() = TypeBasePure.listItems (TypeBase.theTypeBase()) datatype stc_update = ADD_SSFRAG of simpLib.ssfrag | REMOVE_RWT of string type stc_state = simpset * bool * stc_update list (* theorems, initialised-flag, update list (most recent first) *) val initial_simpset = simpLib.empty_ss fun ssf1 nth = simpLib.empty_ssfrag |> simpLib.add_named_rwt nth val state0 : stc_state = (initial_simpset, false, []) fun apply_delta d ((sset,initp,upds):stc_state) : stc_state = case d of ThmSetData.ADD nth => (sset ++ ssf1 nth, true, []) | ThmSetData.REMOVE s => (sset -* [s], true, []) fun apply_stc_update (ADD_SSFRAG ssf, ss) = ss ++ ssf | apply_stc_update (REMOVE_RWT n, ss) = ss -* [n] (* A stateful theorems collection *) datatype stc = STC_CON of { name : string, thy_ssfrag : (string -> ssfrag), thy_simpset : (string -> simpset option), get_ss : (unit -> simpset), export_thms : (string list -> unit) } (* Create a stateful theorems collection *) fun create_stateful_theorem_set (stc_name : string) : stc = let (* val stc_name = "testStc" *) fun init_state (st as (sset,initp,upds)) = if initp then st else let fun init() = (List.foldl apply_stc_update sset (List.rev upds) |> rev_itlist add_simpls (tyinfol()), true, []) in HOL_PROGRESS_MESG ("Initialising STC simpset: " ^ stc_name ^ " ... ", "done") init () end fun opt_partition f g ls = let fun recurse As Bs ls = case ls of [] => (List.rev As, List.rev Bs) | h::t => (case f h of SOME a => recurse (a::As) Bs t | NONE => (case g h of SOME b => recurse As (b::Bs) t | NONE => recurse As Bs t)) in recurse [] [] ls end (* stale-ness is important for derived values. Derived values will get re-calculated if their flag is true when the value is requested. *) val stale_flags = ([] : bool Sref.t list) fun notify () = (fn br => Sref.update br (K true)) (Sref.value stale_flags) fun apply_to_global d (st as (sset,initp,upds):stc_state) : stc_state = if not initp then case d of ThmSetData.ADD nth => let open simpLib val upds' = case upds of ADD_SSFRAG ssf :: rest => ADD_SSFRAG (add_named_rwt nth ssf) :: rest | _ => ADD_SSFRAG (ssf1 nth) :: upds in (sset, initp, upds') end | ThmSetData.REMOVE s => (sset, initp, REMOVE_RWT s :: upds) else apply_delta d st before notify() fun finaliser {thyname} deltas (sset,initp,upds) = let fun toNamedAdd (ThmSetData.ADD p) = SOME p | toNamedAdd _ = NONE fun toRM (ThmSetData.REMOVE s) = SOME s | toRM _ = NONE val (adds,rms) = opt_partition toNamedAdd toRM deltas val ssfrag = simpLib.named_rewrites_with_names thyname (List.rev adds) (* List.rev here preserves old behaviour wrt to the way theorems were added to the global simpset; it will only make a difference when overall rewrite system is not confluent *) val new_upds = ADD_SSFRAG ssfrag :: map REMOVE_RWT rms in if initp then (List.foldl apply_stc_update sset new_upds, true, []) before notify() else (sset, false, List.revAppend(new_upds, upds)) end val adresult as {DB,get_global_value,record_delta,update_global_value,...} = ThmSetData.export_with_ancestry { delta_ops = { apply_delta = apply_delta, apply_to_global = apply_to_global, thy_finaliser = SOME finaliser, initial_value = state0, uptodate_delta = K true }, settype = stc_name } val get_deltas = #get_deltas adresult (* (* TODO: what is this? *) fun update_fn tyi = augment_stc_ss ([simpLib.tyi_to_ssdata tyi] handle HOL_ERR _ => []) val () = TypeBase.register_update_fn (fn tyi => (update_fn tyi; tyi)) *) fun get_ss () = (update_global_value init_state; #1 (get_global_value())) fun export_thms slist = let val ds = map ThmSetData.mk_add slist in record_delta ds; update_global_value (rev_itlist apply_to_global ds) end (* assume that there aren't any removes for things added in this theory; it's not rational to do that; one should add it locally only, or not add it at all *) fun mkfrag_from thy setdeltas = let fun recurse ADDs [] = ADDs | recurse ADDs (ThmSetData.ADD p :: rest) = recurse (p::ADDs) rest | recurse ADDs (_ :: rest) = recurse ADDs rest val ADDs = recurse [] setdeltas (* order of addition is flipped; see above for why this is "reasonable" *) in simpLib.named_rewrites_with_names thy ADDs end fun thy_ssfrag s = get_deltas {thyname=s} |> mkfrag_from s fun thy_simpset s = (#1 o init_state) (DB {thyname=s}) in STC_CON { name = stc_name, thy_ssfrag = thy_ssfrag, thy_simpset = thy_simpset, get_ss = get_ss, export_thms = export_thms } end (* (* Create a stateful theorems collection *) val STC_CON { name = stc_name, thy_ssfrag = thy_ssfrag, thy_simpset = thy_simpset, get_ss = get_ss, export_thms = export_thms } = create_stateful_theorem_set "testStc1" Theorem th1: T /\ (T /\ T) Proof fs [] QED export_thms ["th1"] fun rewrite_thms_of_simpset (ss : simpset) : thm list = List.concat (map simpLib.frag_rewrites (simpLib.ssfrags_of ss)) rewrite_thms_of_simpset (get_ss ()) *) end