open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse open boolTheory arithmeticTheory integerTheory intLib listTheory stringTheory open primitivesArithTheory primitivesBaseTacLib val primitives_theory_name = "primitives" val _ = new_theory primitives_theory_name (*** Result *) Datatype: error = Failure End Datatype: result = Return 'a | Fail error | Loop End Type M = ``: 'a result`` val bind_def = Define ` (bind : 'a M -> ('a -> 'b M) -> 'b M) x f = case x of Return y => f y | Fail e => Fail e | Loop => Loop`; val bind_name = fst (dest_const “bind”) val return_def = Define ` (return : 'a -> 'a M) x = Return x`; val massert_def = Define ‘massert b = if b then Return () else Fail Failure’ Overload monad_bind = ``bind`` Overload monad_unitbind = ``\x y. bind x (\z. y)`` Overload monad_ignore_bind = ``\x y. bind x (\z. y)`` (* Allow the use of monadic syntax *) val _ = monadsyntax.enable_monadsyntax () (*** Misc *) Type char = “:char” Type string = “:string” val mem_replace_fwd_def = Define ‘mem_replace_fwd (x : 'a) (y :'a) : 'a = x’ val mem_replace_back_def = Define ‘mem_replace_back (x : 'a) (y :'a) : 'a = y’ (*** Scalars *) (* Remark: most of the following code was partially generated *) (* The bounds for the isize/usize types are opaque, because they vary with the architecture *) val _ = new_constant ("isize_min", “:int”) val _ = new_constant ("isize_max", “:int”) val _ = new_constant ("usize_max", “:int”) val _ = new_type ("usize", 0) val _ = new_type ("u8", 0) val _ = new_type ("u16", 0) val _ = new_type ("u32", 0) val _ = new_type ("u64", 0) val _ = new_type ("u128", 0) val _ = new_type ("isize", 0) val _ = new_type ("i8", 0) val _ = new_type ("i16", 0) val _ = new_type ("i32", 0) val _ = new_type ("i64", 0) val _ = new_type ("i128", 0) val _ = new_constant ("isize_to_int", “:isize -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("i8_to_int", “:i8 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("i16_to_int", “:i16 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("i32_to_int", “:i32 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("i64_to_int", “:i64 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("i128_to_int", “:i128 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("usize_to_int", “:usize -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("u8_to_int", “:u8 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("u16_to_int", “:u16 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("u32_to_int", “:u32 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("u64_to_int", “:u64 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("u128_to_int", “:u128 -> int”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_isize", “:int -> isize”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_i8", “:int -> i8”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_i16", “:int -> i16”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_i32", “:int -> i32”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_i64", “:int -> i64”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_i128", “:int -> i128”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_usize", “:int -> usize”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_u8", “:int -> u8”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_u16", “:int -> u16”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_u32", “:int -> u32”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_u64", “:int -> u64”) val _ = new_constant ("int_to_u128", “:int -> u128”) (* The bounds *) val i8_min_def = Define ‘i8_min = (-128:int)’ val i8_max_def = Define ‘i8_max = (127:int)’ val i16_min_def = Define ‘i16_min = (-32768:int)’ val i16_max_def = Define ‘i16_max = (32767:int)’ val i32_min_def = Define ‘i32_min = (-2147483648:int)’ val i32_max_def = Define ‘i32_max = (2147483647:int)’ val i64_min_def = Define ‘i64_min = (-9223372036854775808:int)’ val i64_max_def = Define ‘i64_max = (9223372036854775807:int)’ val i128_min_def = Define ‘i128_min = (-170141183460469231731687303715884105728:int)’ val i128_max_def = Define ‘i128_max = (170141183460469231731687303715884105727:int)’ val u8_max_def = Define ‘u8_max = (255:int)’ val u16_max_def = Define ‘u16_max = (65535:int)’ val u32_max_def = Define ‘u32_max = (4294967295:int)’ val u64_max_def = Define ‘u64_max = (18446744073709551615:int)’ val u128_max_def = Define ‘u128_max = (340282366920938463463374607431768211455:int)’ val all_bound_defs = [ i8_min_def, i8_max_def, i16_min_def, i16_max_def, i32_min_def, i32_max_def, i64_min_def, i64_max_def, i128_min_def, i128_max_def, u8_max_def, u16_max_def, u32_max_def, u64_max_def, u128_max_def ] (* The following bounds are valid for all architectures *) val isize_bounds = new_axiom ("isize_bounds", “isize_min <= i16_min /\ isize_max >= i16_max”) val usize_bounds = new_axiom ("usize_bounds", “usize_max >= u16_max”) (* Conversion bounds *) val isize_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("isize_to_int_bounds", “!n. isize_min <= isize_to_int n /\ isize_to_int n <= isize_max”) val i8_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("i8_to_int_bounds", “!n. i8_min <= i8_to_int n /\ i8_to_int n <= i8_max”) val i16_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("i16_to_int_bounds", “!n. i16_min <= i16_to_int n /\ i16_to_int n <= i16_max”) val i32_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("i32_to_int_bounds", “!n. i32_min <= i32_to_int n /\ i32_to_int n <= i32_max”) val i64_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("i64_to_int_bounds", “!n. i64_min <= i64_to_int n /\ i64_to_int n <= i64_max”) val i128_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("i128_to_int_bounds", “!n. i128_min <= i128_to_int n /\ i128_to_int n <= i128_max”) val usize_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("usize_to_int_bounds", “!n. 0 <= usize_to_int n /\ usize_to_int n <= usize_max”) val u8_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("u8_to_int_bounds", “!n. 0 <= u8_to_int n /\ u8_to_int n <= u8_max”) val u16_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("u16_to_int_bounds", “!n. 0 <= u16_to_int n /\ u16_to_int n <= u16_max”) val u32_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("u32_to_int_bounds", “!n. 0 <= u32_to_int n /\ u32_to_int n <= u32_max”) val u64_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("u64_to_int_bounds", “!n. 0 <= u64_to_int n /\ u64_to_int n <= u64_max”) val u128_to_int_bounds = new_axiom ("u128_to_int_bounds", “!n. 0 <= u128_to_int n /\ u128_to_int n <= u128_max”) val all_to_int_bounds_lemmas = [ isize_to_int_bounds, i8_to_int_bounds, i16_to_int_bounds, i32_to_int_bounds, i64_to_int_bounds, i128_to_int_bounds, usize_to_int_bounds, u8_to_int_bounds, u16_to_int_bounds, u32_to_int_bounds, u64_to_int_bounds, u128_to_int_bounds ] (* Conversion to and from int. Note that for isize and usize, we write the lemmas in such a way that the proofs are easily automatable for constants. *) (* TODO: rename those *) val int_to_isize_id = new_axiom ("int_to_isize_id", “!n. (i16_min <= n \/ isize_min <= n) /\ (n <= i16_max \/ n <= isize_max) ==> isize_to_int (int_to_isize n) = n”) (* TODO: remove the condition on u16_max, and make the massage tactic automatically use usize_bounds *) val int_to_usize_id = new_axiom ("int_to_usize_id", “!n. 0 <= n /\ (n <= u16_max \/ n <= usize_max) ==> usize_to_int (int_to_usize n) = n”) val int_to_i8_id = new_axiom ("int_to_i8_id", “!n. i8_min <= n /\ n <= i8_max ==> i8_to_int (int_to_i8 n) = n”) val int_to_i16_id = new_axiom ("int_to_i16_id", “!n. i16_min <= n /\ n <= i16_max ==> i16_to_int (int_to_i16 n) = n”) val int_to_i32_id = new_axiom ("int_to_i32_id", “!n. i32_min <= n /\ n <= i32_max ==> i32_to_int (int_to_i32 n) = n”) val int_to_i64_id = new_axiom ("int_to_i64_id", “!n. i64_min <= n /\ n <= i64_max ==> i64_to_int (int_to_i64 n) = n”) val int_to_i128_id = new_axiom ("int_to_i128_id", “!n. i128_min <= n /\ n <= i128_max ==> i128_to_int (int_to_i128 n) = n”) val int_to_u8_id = new_axiom ("int_to_u8_id", “!n. 0 <= n /\ n <= u8_max ==> u8_to_int (int_to_u8 n) = n”) val int_to_u16_id = new_axiom ("int_to_u16_id", “!n. 0 <= n /\ n <= u16_max ==> u16_to_int (int_to_u16 n) = n”) val int_to_u32_id = new_axiom ("int_to_u32_id", “!n. 0 <= n /\ n <= u32_max ==> u32_to_int (int_to_u32 n) = n”) val int_to_u64_id = new_axiom ("int_to_u64_id", “!n. 0 <= n /\ n <= u64_max ==> u64_to_int (int_to_u64 n) = n”) val int_to_u128_id = new_axiom ("int_to_u128_id", “!n. 0 <= n /\ n <= u128_max ==> u128_to_int (int_to_u128 n) = n”) (* TODO: rename *) val all_conversion_id_lemmas = [ int_to_isize_id, int_to_i8_id, int_to_i16_id, int_to_i32_id, int_to_i64_id, int_to_i128_id, int_to_usize_id, int_to_u8_id, int_to_u16_id, int_to_u32_id, int_to_u64_id, int_to_u128_id ] val int_to_i8_i8_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_i8_i8_to_int", “∀i. int_to_i8 (i8_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_i16_i16_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_i16_i16_to_int", “∀i. int_to_i16 (i16_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_i32_i32_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_i32_i32_to_int", “∀i. int_to_i32 (i32_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_i64_i64_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_i64_i64_to_int", “∀i. int_to_i64 (i64_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_i128_i128_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_i128_i128_to_int", “∀i. int_to_i128 (i128_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_isize_isize_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_isize_isize_to_int", “∀i. int_to_isize (isize_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_u8_u8_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_u8_u8_to_int", “∀i. int_to_u8 (u8_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_u16_u16_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_u16_u16_to_int", “∀i. int_to_u16 (u16_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_u32_u32_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_u32_u32_to_int", “∀i. int_to_u32 (u32_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_u64_u64_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_u64_u64_to_int", “∀i. int_to_u64 (u64_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_u128_u128_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_u128_u128_to_int", “∀i. int_to_u128 (u128_to_int i) = i”) val int_to_usize_usize_to_int = new_axiom ("int_to_usize_usize_to_int", “∀i. int_to_usize (usize_to_int i) = i”) (** Utilities to define the arithmetic operations *) val mk_isize_def = Define ‘mk_isize n = if isize_min <= n /\ n <= isize_max then Return (int_to_isize n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_i8_def = Define ‘mk_i8 n = if i8_min <= n /\ n <= i8_max then Return (int_to_i8 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_i16_def = Define ‘mk_i16 n = if i16_min <= n /\ n <= i16_max then Return (int_to_i16 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_i32_def = Define ‘mk_i32 n = if i32_min <= n /\ n <= i32_max then Return (int_to_i32 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_i64_def = Define ‘mk_i64 n = if i64_min <= n /\ n <= i64_max then Return (int_to_i64 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_i128_def = Define ‘mk_i128 n = if i128_min <= n /\ n <= i128_max then Return (int_to_i128 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_usize_def = Define ‘mk_usize n = if 0 <= n /\ n <= usize_max then Return (int_to_usize n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_u8_def = Define ‘mk_u8 n = if 0 <= n /\ n <= u8_max then Return (int_to_u8 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_u16_def = Define ‘mk_u16 n = if 0 <= n /\ n <= u16_max then Return (int_to_u16 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_u32_def = Define ‘mk_u32 n = if 0 <= n /\ n <= u32_max then Return (int_to_u32 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_u64_def = Define ‘mk_u64 n = if 0 <= n /\ n <= u64_max then Return (int_to_u64 n) else Fail Failure’ val mk_u128_def = Define ‘mk_u128 n = if 0 <= n /\ n <= u128_max then Return (int_to_u128 n) else Fail Failure’ val all_mk_int_defs = [ mk_isize_def, mk_i8_def, mk_i16_def, mk_i32_def, mk_i64_def, mk_i128_def, mk_usize_def, mk_u8_def, mk_u16_def, mk_u32_def, mk_u64_def, mk_u128_def ] val isize_add_def = Define ‘isize_add x y = mk_isize ((isize_to_int x) + (isize_to_int y))’ val i8_add_def = Define ‘i8_add x y = mk_i8 ((i8_to_int x) + (i8_to_int y))’ val i16_add_def = Define ‘i16_add x y = mk_i16 ((i16_to_int x) + (i16_to_int y))’ val i32_add_def = Define ‘i32_add x y = mk_i32 ((i32_to_int x) + (i32_to_int y))’ val i64_add_def = Define ‘i64_add x y = mk_i64 ((i64_to_int x) + (i64_to_int y))’ val i128_add_def = Define ‘i128_add x y = mk_i128 ((i128_to_int x) + (i128_to_int y))’ val usize_add_def = Define ‘usize_add x y = mk_usize ((usize_to_int x) + (usize_to_int y))’ val u8_add_def = Define ‘u8_add x y = mk_u8 ((u8_to_int x) + (u8_to_int y))’ val u16_add_def = Define ‘u16_add x y = mk_u16 ((u16_to_int x) + (u16_to_int y))’ val u32_add_def = Define ‘u32_add x y = mk_u32 ((u32_to_int x) + (u32_to_int y))’ val u64_add_def = Define ‘u64_add x y = mk_u64 ((u64_to_int x) + (u64_to_int y))’ val u128_add_def = Define ‘u128_add x y = mk_u128 ((u128_to_int x) + (u128_to_int y))’ val all_add_defs = [ isize_add_def, i8_add_def, i16_add_def, i32_add_def, i64_add_def, i128_add_def, usize_add_def, u8_add_def, u16_add_def, u32_add_def, u64_add_def, u128_add_def ] val isize_sub_def = Define ‘isize_sub x y = mk_isize ((isize_to_int x) - (isize_to_int y))’ val i8_sub_def = Define ‘i8_sub x y = mk_i8 ((i8_to_int x) - (i8_to_int y))’ val i16_sub_def = Define ‘i16_sub x y = mk_i16 ((i16_to_int x) - (i16_to_int y))’ val i32_sub_def = Define ‘i32_sub x y = mk_i32 ((i32_to_int x) - (i32_to_int y))’ val i64_sub_def = Define ‘i64_sub x y = mk_i64 ((i64_to_int x) - (i64_to_int y))’ val i128_sub_def = Define ‘i128_sub x y = mk_i128 ((i128_to_int x) - (i128_to_int y))’ val usize_sub_def = Define ‘usize_sub x y = mk_usize ((usize_to_int x) - (usize_to_int y))’ val u8_sub_def = Define ‘u8_sub x y = mk_u8 ((u8_to_int x) - (u8_to_int y))’ val u16_sub_def = Define ‘u16_sub x y = mk_u16 ((u16_to_int x) - (u16_to_int y))’ val u32_sub_def = Define ‘u32_sub x y = mk_u32 ((u32_to_int x) - (u32_to_int y))’ val u64_sub_def = Define ‘u64_sub x y = mk_u64 ((u64_to_int x) - (u64_to_int y))’ val u128_sub_def = Define ‘u128_sub x y = mk_u128 ((u128_to_int x) - (u128_to_int y))’ val all_sub_defs = [ isize_sub_def, i8_sub_def, i16_sub_def, i32_sub_def, i64_sub_def, i128_sub_def, usize_sub_def, u8_sub_def, u16_sub_def, u32_sub_def, u64_sub_def, u128_sub_def ] val isize_mul_def = Define ‘isize_mul x y = mk_isize ((isize_to_int x) * (isize_to_int y))’ val i8_mul_def = Define ‘i8_mul x y = mk_i8 ((i8_to_int x) * (i8_to_int y))’ val i16_mul_def = Define ‘i16_mul x y = mk_i16 ((i16_to_int x) * (i16_to_int y))’ val i32_mul_def = Define ‘i32_mul x y = mk_i32 ((i32_to_int x) * (i32_to_int y))’ val i64_mul_def = Define ‘i64_mul x y = mk_i64 ((i64_to_int x) * (i64_to_int y))’ val i128_mul_def = Define ‘i128_mul x y = mk_i128 ((i128_to_int x) * (i128_to_int y))’ val usize_mul_def = Define ‘usize_mul x y = mk_usize ((usize_to_int x) * (usize_to_int y))’ val u8_mul_def = Define ‘u8_mul x y = mk_u8 ((u8_to_int x) * (u8_to_int y))’ val u16_mul_def = Define ‘u16_mul x y = mk_u16 ((u16_to_int x) * (u16_to_int y))’ val u32_mul_def = Define ‘u32_mul x y = mk_u32 ((u32_to_int x) * (u32_to_int y))’ val u64_mul_def = Define ‘u64_mul x y = mk_u64 ((u64_to_int x) * (u64_to_int y))’ val u128_mul_def = Define ‘u128_mul x y = mk_u128 ((u128_to_int x) * (u128_to_int y))’ val all_mul_defs = [ isize_mul_def, i8_mul_def, i16_mul_def, i32_mul_def, i64_mul_def, i128_mul_def, usize_mul_def, u8_mul_def, u16_mul_def, u32_mul_def, u64_mul_def, u128_mul_def ] val isize_div_def = Define ‘isize_div x y = if isize_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_isize ((isize_to_int x) / (isize_to_int y))’ val i8_div_def = Define ‘i8_div x y = if i8_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i8 ((i8_to_int x) / (i8_to_int y))’ val i16_div_def = Define ‘i16_div x y = if i16_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i16 ((i16_to_int x) / (i16_to_int y))’ val i32_div_def = Define ‘i32_div x y = if i32_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i32 ((i32_to_int x) / (i32_to_int y))’ val i64_div_def = Define ‘i64_div x y = if i64_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i64 ((i64_to_int x) / (i64_to_int y))’ val i128_div_def = Define ‘i128_div x y = if i128_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i128 ((i128_to_int x) / (i128_to_int y))’ val usize_div_def = Define ‘usize_div x y = if usize_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_usize ((usize_to_int x) / (usize_to_int y))’ val u8_div_def = Define ‘u8_div x y = if u8_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u8 ((u8_to_int x) / (u8_to_int y))’ val u16_div_def = Define ‘u16_div x y = if u16_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u16 ((u16_to_int x) / (u16_to_int y))’ val u32_div_def = Define ‘u32_div x y = if u32_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u32 ((u32_to_int x) / (u32_to_int y))’ val u64_div_def = Define ‘u64_div x y = if u64_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u64 ((u64_to_int x) / (u64_to_int y))’ val u128_div_def = Define ‘u128_div x y = if u128_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u128 ((u128_to_int x) / (u128_to_int y))’ val all_div_defs = [ isize_div_def, i8_div_def, i16_div_def, i32_div_def, i64_div_def, i128_div_def, usize_div_def, u8_div_def, u16_div_def, u32_div_def, u64_div_def, u128_div_def ] (* The remainder operation is not a modulo. In Rust, the remainder has the sign of the dividend. In HOL4, it has the sign of the divisor. *) val int_rem_def = Define ‘int_rem (x : int) (y : int) : int = if (x >= 0 /\ y >= 0) \/ (x < 0 /\ y < 0) then x % y else -(x % y)’ (* Checking consistency with Rust *) val _ = prove(“int_rem 1 2 = 1”, EVAL_TAC) val _ = prove(“int_rem (-1) 2 = -1”, EVAL_TAC) val _ = prove(“int_rem 1 (-2) = 1”, EVAL_TAC) val _ = prove(“int_rem (-1) (-2) = -1”, EVAL_TAC) val isize_rem_def = Define ‘isize_rem x y = if isize_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_isize (int_rem (isize_to_int x) (isize_to_int y))’ val i8_rem_def = Define ‘i8_rem x y = if i8_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i8 (int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y))’ val i16_rem_def = Define ‘i16_rem x y = if i16_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i16 (int_rem (i16_to_int x) (i16_to_int y))’ val i32_rem_def = Define ‘i32_rem x y = if i32_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i32 (int_rem (i32_to_int x) (i32_to_int y))’ val i64_rem_def = Define ‘i64_rem x y = if i64_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i64 (int_rem (i64_to_int x) (i64_to_int y))’ val i128_rem_def = Define ‘i128_rem x y = if i128_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_i128 (int_rem (i128_to_int x) (i128_to_int y))’ val usize_rem_def = Define ‘usize_rem x y = if usize_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_usize (int_rem (usize_to_int x) (usize_to_int y))’ val u8_rem_def = Define ‘u8_rem x y = if u8_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u8 (int_rem (u8_to_int x) (u8_to_int y))’ val u16_rem_def = Define ‘u16_rem x y = if u16_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u16 (int_rem (u16_to_int x) (u16_to_int y))’ val u32_rem_def = Define ‘u32_rem x y = if u32_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u32 (int_rem (u32_to_int x) (u32_to_int y))’ val u64_rem_def = Define ‘u64_rem x y = if u64_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u64 (int_rem (u64_to_int x) (u64_to_int y))’ val u128_rem_def = Define ‘u128_rem x y = if u128_to_int y = 0 then Fail Failure else mk_u128 (int_rem (u128_to_int x) (u128_to_int y))’ val all_rem_defs = [ isize_rem_def, i8_rem_def, i16_rem_def, i32_rem_def, i64_rem_def, i128_rem_def, usize_rem_def, u8_rem_def, u16_rem_def, u32_rem_def, u64_rem_def, u128_rem_def ] (* val (asms,g) = top_goal () *) fun prove_arith_op_eq (asms, g) = let val (_, t) = (dest_exists o snd o strip_imp o snd o strip_forall) g; val (x_to_int, y_to_int) = case (snd o strip_comb o rhs o snd o dest_conj) t of [x, y] => (x,y) | _ => failwith "Unexpected" val x = (snd o dest_comb) x_to_int; val y = (snd o dest_comb) y_to_int; fun inst_first_lem arg lems = MAP_FIRST (fn th => (ASSUME_TAC (SPEC arg th) handle HOL_ERR _ => FAIL_TAC "")) lems; in (rpt gen_tac >> rpt DISCH_TAC >> ASSUME_TAC usize_bounds >> (* Only useful for usize of course *) ASSUME_TAC isize_bounds >> (* Only useful for isize of course *) rw (int_rem_def :: List.concat [all_rem_defs, all_add_defs, all_sub_defs, all_mul_defs, all_div_defs, all_mk_int_defs, all_to_int_bounds_lemmas, all_conversion_id_lemmas]) >> fs (int_rem_def :: List.concat [all_rem_defs, all_add_defs, all_sub_defs, all_mul_defs, all_div_defs, all_mk_int_defs, all_to_int_bounds_lemmas, all_conversion_id_lemmas]) >> inst_first_lem x all_to_int_bounds_lemmas >> inst_first_lem y all_to_int_bounds_lemmas >> gs [NOT_LE_EQ_GT, NOT_LT_EQ_GE, NOT_GE_EQ_LT, NOT_GT_EQ_LE, GE_EQ_LE, GT_EQ_LT] >> TRY COOPER_TAC >> FIRST [ (* For division *) qspecl_then [‘^x_to_int’, ‘^y_to_int’] ASSUME_TAC POS_DIV_POS_IS_POS >> qspecl_then [‘^x_to_int’, ‘^y_to_int’] ASSUME_TAC POS_DIV_POS_LE_INIT >> COOPER_TAC, (* For remainder *) dep_rewrite.DEP_PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC all_conversion_id_lemmas >> fs [] >> qspecl_then [‘^x_to_int’, ‘^y_to_int’] ASSUME_TAC POS_MOD_POS_IS_POS >> qspecl_then [‘^x_to_int’, ‘^y_to_int’] ASSUME_TAC POS_MOD_POS_LE_INIT >> COOPER_TAC, dep_rewrite.DEP_PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC all_conversion_id_lemmas >> fs [] ]) (asms, g) end Theorem U8_ADD_EQ: !x y. u8_to_int x + u8_to_int y <= u8_max ==> ?z. u8_add x y = Return z /\ u8_to_int z = u8_to_int x + u8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U16_ADD_EQ: !(x y). u16_to_int x + u16_to_int y <= u16_max ==> ?(z). u16_add x y = Return z /\ u16_to_int z = u16_to_int x + u16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U32_ADD_EQ: !x y. u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y <= u32_max ==> ?z. u32_add x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U64_ADD_EQ: !x y. u64_to_int x + u64_to_int y <= u64_max ==> ?z. u64_add x y = Return z /\ u64_to_int z = u64_to_int x + u64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U128_ADD_EQ: !x y. u128_to_int x + u128_to_int y <= u128_max ==> ?z. u128_add x y = Return z /\ u128_to_int z = u128_to_int x + u128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem USIZE_ADD_EQ: !x y. (usize_to_int x + usize_to_int y <= u16_max) \/ (usize_to_int x + usize_to_int y <= usize_max) ==> ?z. usize_add x y = Return z /\ usize_to_int z = usize_to_int x + usize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_ADD_EQ: !x y. i8_min <= i8_to_int x + i8_to_int y ==> i8_to_int x + i8_to_int y <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_add x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = i8_to_int x + i8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I16_ADD_EQ: !x y. i16_min <= i16_to_int x + i16_to_int y ==> i16_to_int x + i16_to_int y <= i16_max ==> ?z. i16_add x y = Return z /\ i16_to_int z = i16_to_int x + i16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I32_ADD_EQ: !x y. i32_min <= i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y ==> i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y <= i32_max ==> ?z. i32_add x y = Return z /\ i32_to_int z = i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I64_ADD_EQ: !x y. i64_min <= i64_to_int x + i64_to_int y ==> i64_to_int x + i64_to_int y <= i64_max ==> ?z. i64_add x y = Return z /\ i64_to_int z = i64_to_int x + i64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I128_ADD_EQ: !x y. i128_min <= i128_to_int x + i128_to_int y ==> i128_to_int x + i128_to_int y <= i128_max ==> ?z. i128_add x y = Return z /\ i128_to_int z = i128_to_int x + i128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem ISIZE_ADD_EQ: !x y. (i16_min <= isize_to_int x + isize_to_int y \/ isize_min <= isize_to_int x + isize_to_int y) ==> (isize_to_int x + isize_to_int y <= i16_max \/ isize_to_int x + isize_to_int y <= isize_max) ==> ?z. isize_add x y = Return z /\ isize_to_int z = isize_to_int x + isize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED val all_add_eqs = [ ISIZE_ADD_EQ, I8_ADD_EQ, I16_ADD_EQ, I32_ADD_EQ, I64_ADD_EQ, I128_ADD_EQ, USIZE_ADD_EQ, U8_ADD_EQ, U16_ADD_EQ, U32_ADD_EQ, U64_ADD_EQ, U128_ADD_EQ ] Theorem U8_SUB_EQ: !x y. 0 <= u8_to_int x - u8_to_int y ==> ?z. u8_sub x y = Return z /\ u8_to_int z = u8_to_int x - u8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U16_SUB_EQ: !x y. 0 <= u16_to_int x - u16_to_int y ==> ?z. u16_sub x y = Return z /\ u16_to_int z = u16_to_int x - u16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U32_SUB_EQ: !x y. 0 <= u32_to_int x - u32_to_int y ==> ?z. u32_sub x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x - u32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U64_SUB_EQ: !x y. 0 <= u64_to_int x - u64_to_int y ==> ?z. u64_sub x y = Return z /\ u64_to_int z = u64_to_int x - u64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U128_SUB_EQ: !x y. 0 <= u128_to_int x - u128_to_int y ==> ?z. u128_sub x y = Return z /\ u128_to_int z = u128_to_int x - u128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem USIZE_SUB_EQ: !x y. 0 <= usize_to_int x - usize_to_int y ==> ?z. usize_sub x y = Return z /\ usize_to_int z = usize_to_int x - usize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_SUB_EQ: !x y. i8_min <= i8_to_int x - i8_to_int y ==> i8_to_int x - i8_to_int y <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_sub x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = i8_to_int x - i8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I16_SUB_EQ: !x y. i16_min <= i16_to_int x - i16_to_int y ==> i16_to_int x - i16_to_int y <= i16_max ==> ?z. i16_sub x y = Return z /\ i16_to_int z = i16_to_int x - i16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I32_SUB_EQ: !x y. i32_min <= i32_to_int x - i32_to_int y ==> i32_to_int x - i32_to_int y <= i32_max ==> ?z. i32_sub x y = Return z /\ i32_to_int z = i32_to_int x - i32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I64_SUB_EQ: !x y. i64_min <= i64_to_int x - i64_to_int y ==> i64_to_int x - i64_to_int y <= i64_max ==> ?z. i64_sub x y = Return z /\ i64_to_int z = i64_to_int x - i64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I128_SUB_EQ: !x y. i128_min <= i128_to_int x - i128_to_int y ==> i128_to_int x - i128_to_int y <= i128_max ==> ?z. i128_sub x y = Return z /\ i128_to_int z = i128_to_int x - i128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem ISIZE_SUB_EQ: !x y. (i16_min <= isize_to_int x - isize_to_int y \/ isize_min <= isize_to_int x - isize_to_int y) ==> (isize_to_int x - isize_to_int y <= i16_max \/ isize_to_int x - isize_to_int y <= isize_max) ==> ?z. isize_sub x y = Return z /\ isize_to_int z = isize_to_int x - isize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED val all_sub_eqs = [ ISIZE_SUB_EQ, I8_SUB_EQ, I16_SUB_EQ, I32_SUB_EQ, I64_SUB_EQ, I128_SUB_EQ, USIZE_SUB_EQ, U8_SUB_EQ, U16_SUB_EQ, U32_SUB_EQ, U64_SUB_EQ, U128_SUB_EQ ] Theorem U8_MUL_EQ: !x y. u8_to_int x * u8_to_int y <= u8_max ==> ?z. u8_mul x y = Return z /\ u8_to_int z = u8_to_int x * u8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U16_MUL_EQ: !x y. u16_to_int x * u16_to_int y <= u16_max ==> ?z. u16_mul x y = Return z /\ u16_to_int z = u16_to_int x * u16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U32_MUL_EQ: !x y. u32_to_int x * u32_to_int y <= u32_max ==> ?z. u32_mul x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x * u32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U64_MUL_EQ: !x y. u64_to_int x * u64_to_int y <= u64_max ==> ?z. u64_mul x y = Return z /\ u64_to_int z = u64_to_int x * u64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U128_MUL_EQ: !x y. u128_to_int x * u128_to_int y <= u128_max ==> ?z. u128_mul x y = Return z /\ u128_to_int z = u128_to_int x * u128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem USIZE_MUL_EQ: !x y. (usize_to_int x * usize_to_int y <= u16_max) \/ (usize_to_int x * usize_to_int y <= usize_max) ==> ?z. usize_mul x y = Return z /\ usize_to_int z = usize_to_int x * usize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_MUL_EQ: !x y. i8_min <= i8_to_int x * i8_to_int y ==> i8_to_int x * i8_to_int y <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_mul x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = i8_to_int x * i8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I16_MUL_EQ: !x y. i16_min <= i16_to_int x * i16_to_int y ==> i16_to_int x * i16_to_int y <= i16_max ==> ?z. i16_mul x y = Return z /\ i16_to_int z = i16_to_int x * i16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I32_MUL_EQ: !x y. i32_min <= i32_to_int x * i32_to_int y ==> i32_to_int x * i32_to_int y <= i32_max ==> ?z. i32_mul x y = Return z /\ i32_to_int z = i32_to_int x * i32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I64_MUL_EQ: !x y. i64_min <= i64_to_int x * i64_to_int y ==> i64_to_int x * i64_to_int y <= i64_max ==> ?z. i64_mul x y = Return z /\ i64_to_int z = i64_to_int x * i64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I128_MUL_EQ: !x y. i128_min <= i128_to_int x * i128_to_int y ==> i128_to_int x * i128_to_int y <= i128_max ==> ?z. i128_mul x y = Return z /\ i128_to_int z = i128_to_int x * i128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem ISIZE_MUL_EQ: !x y. (i16_min <= isize_to_int x * isize_to_int y \/ isize_min <= isize_to_int x * isize_to_int y) ==> (isize_to_int x * isize_to_int y <= i16_max \/ isize_to_int x * isize_to_int y <= isize_max) ==> ?z. isize_mul x y = Return z /\ isize_to_int z = isize_to_int x * isize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED val all_mul_eqs = [ ISIZE_MUL_EQ, I8_MUL_EQ, I16_MUL_EQ, I32_MUL_EQ, I64_MUL_EQ, I128_MUL_EQ, USIZE_MUL_EQ, U8_MUL_EQ, U16_MUL_EQ, U32_MUL_EQ, U64_MUL_EQ, U128_MUL_EQ ] Theorem U8_DIV_EQ: !x y. u8_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u8_div x y = Return z /\ u8_to_int z = u8_to_int x / u8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U16_DIV_EQ: !x y. u16_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u16_div x y = Return z /\ u16_to_int z = u16_to_int x / u16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U32_DIV_EQ: !x y. u32_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u32_div x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x / u32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U64_DIV_EQ: !x y. u64_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u64_div x y = Return z /\ u64_to_int z = u64_to_int x / u64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U128_DIV_EQ: !x y. u128_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u128_div x y = Return z /\ u128_to_int z = u128_to_int x / u128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem USIZE_DIV_EQ: !x y. usize_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. usize_div x y = Return z /\ usize_to_int z = usize_to_int x / usize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_DIV_EQ: !x y. i8_to_int y <> 0 ==> i8_min <= i8_to_int x / i8_to_int y ==> i8_to_int x / i8_to_int y <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_div x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = i8_to_int x / i8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I16_DIV_EQ: !x y. i16_to_int y <> 0 ==> i16_min <= i16_to_int x / i16_to_int y ==> i16_to_int x / i16_to_int y <= i16_max ==> ?z. i16_div x y = Return z /\ i16_to_int z = i16_to_int x / i16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I32_DIV_EQ: !x y. i32_to_int y <> 0 ==> i32_min <= i32_to_int x / i32_to_int y ==> i32_to_int x / i32_to_int y <= i32_max ==> ?z. i32_div x y = Return z /\ i32_to_int z = i32_to_int x / i32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I64_DIV_EQ: !x y. i64_to_int y <> 0 ==> i64_min <= i64_to_int x / i64_to_int y ==> i64_to_int x / i64_to_int y <= i64_max ==> ?z. i64_div x y = Return z /\ i64_to_int z = i64_to_int x / i64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I128_DIV_EQ: !x y. i128_to_int y <> 0 ==> i128_min <= i128_to_int x / i128_to_int y ==> i128_to_int x / i128_to_int y <= i128_max ==> ?z. i128_div x y = Return z /\ i128_to_int z = i128_to_int x / i128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem ISIZE_DIV_EQ: !x y. isize_to_int y <> 0 ==> (i16_min <= isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y \/ isize_min <= isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y) ==> (isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y <= i16_max \/ isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y <= isize_max) ==> ?z. isize_div x y = Return z /\ isize_to_int z = isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED val all_div_eqs = [ ISIZE_DIV_EQ, I8_DIV_EQ, I16_DIV_EQ, I32_DIV_EQ, I64_DIV_EQ, I128_DIV_EQ, USIZE_DIV_EQ, U8_DIV_EQ, U16_DIV_EQ, U32_DIV_EQ, U64_DIV_EQ, U128_DIV_EQ ] Theorem U8_REM_EQ: !x y. u8_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u8_rem x y = Return z /\ u8_to_int z = int_rem (u8_to_int x) (u8_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U16_REM_EQ: !x y. u16_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u16_rem x y = Return z /\ u16_to_int z = int_rem (u16_to_int x) (u16_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U32_REM_EQ: !x y. u32_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u32_rem x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = int_rem (u32_to_int x) (u32_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U64_REM_EQ: !x y. u64_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u64_rem x y = Return z /\ u64_to_int z = int_rem (u64_to_int x) (u64_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U128_REM_EQ: !x y. u128_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u128_rem x y = Return z /\ u128_to_int z = int_rem (u128_to_int x) (u128_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem USIZE_REM_EQ: !x y. usize_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. usize_rem x y = Return z /\ usize_to_int z = int_rem (usize_to_int x) (usize_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_REM_EQ: !x y. i8_to_int y <> 0 ==> i8_min <= int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) ==> int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_rem x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I16_REM_EQ: !x y. i16_to_int y <> 0 ==> i16_min <= int_rem (i16_to_int x) (i16_to_int y) ==> int_rem (i16_to_int x) (i16_to_int y) <= i16_max ==> ?z. i16_rem x y = Return z /\ i16_to_int z = int_rem (i16_to_int x) (i16_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I32_REM_EQ: !x y. i32_to_int y <> 0 ==> i32_min <= int_rem (i32_to_int x) (i32_to_int y) ==> int_rem (i32_to_int x) (i32_to_int y) <= i32_max ==> ?z. i32_rem x y = Return z /\ i32_to_int z = int_rem (i32_to_int x) (i32_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I64_REM_EQ: !x y. i64_to_int y <> 0 ==> i64_min <= int_rem (i64_to_int x) (i64_to_int y) ==> int_rem (i64_to_int x) (i64_to_int y) <= i64_max ==> ?z. i64_rem x y = Return z /\ i64_to_int z = int_rem (i64_to_int x) (i64_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_REM_EQ: !x y. i8_to_int y <> 0 ==> i8_min <= int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) ==> int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_rem x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_REM_EQ: !x y. i8_to_int y <> 0 ==> i8_min <= int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) ==> int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_rem x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = int_rem (i8_to_int x) (i8_to_int y) Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U16_DIV_EQ: !x y. u16_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u16_div x y = Return z /\ u16_to_int z = u16_to_int x / u16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U32_DIV_EQ: !x y. u32_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u32_div x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x / u32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U64_DIV_EQ: !x y. u64_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u64_div x y = Return z /\ u64_to_int z = u64_to_int x / u64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem U128_DIV_EQ: !x y. u128_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. u128_div x y = Return z /\ u128_to_int z = u128_to_int x / u128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem USIZE_DIV_EQ: !x y. usize_to_int y <> 0 ==> ?z. usize_div x y = Return z /\ usize_to_int z = usize_to_int x / usize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I8_DIV_EQ: !x y. i8_to_int y <> 0 ==> i8_min <= i8_to_int x / i8_to_int y ==> i8_to_int x / i8_to_int y <= i8_max ==> ?z. i8_div x y = Return z /\ i8_to_int z = i8_to_int x / i8_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I16_DIV_EQ: !x y. i16_to_int y <> 0 ==> i16_min <= i16_to_int x / i16_to_int y ==> i16_to_int x / i16_to_int y <= i16_max ==> ?z. i16_div x y = Return z /\ i16_to_int z = i16_to_int x / i16_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I32_DIV_EQ: !x y. i32_to_int y <> 0 ==> i32_min <= i32_to_int x / i32_to_int y ==> i32_to_int x / i32_to_int y <= i32_max ==> ?z. i32_div x y = Return z /\ i32_to_int z = i32_to_int x / i32_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I64_DIV_EQ: !x y. i64_to_int y <> 0 ==> i64_min <= i64_to_int x / i64_to_int y ==> i64_to_int x / i64_to_int y <= i64_max ==> ?z. i64_div x y = Return z /\ i64_to_int z = i64_to_int x / i64_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem I128_DIV_EQ: !x y. i128_to_int y <> 0 ==> i128_min <= i128_to_int x / i128_to_int y ==> i128_to_int x / i128_to_int y <= i128_max ==> ?z. i128_div x y = Return z /\ i128_to_int z = i128_to_int x / i128_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED Theorem ISIZE_DIV_EQ: !x y. isize_to_int y <> 0 ==> (i16_min <= isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y \/ isize_min <= isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y) ==> (isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y <= i16_max \/ isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y <= isize_max) ==> ?z. isize_div x y = Return z /\ isize_to_int z = isize_to_int x / isize_to_int y Proof prove_arith_op_eq QED val all_div_eqs = [ ISIZE_DIV_EQ, I8_DIV_EQ, I16_DIV_EQ, I32_DIV_EQ, I64_DIV_EQ, I128_DIV_EQ, USIZE_DIV_EQ, U8_DIV_EQ, U16_DIV_EQ, U32_DIV_EQ, U64_DIV_EQ, U128_DIV_EQ ] (*** * Vectors *) val _ = new_type ("vec", 1) val _ = new_constant ("vec_to_list", “:'a vec -> 'a list”) (* TODO: we could also make ‘mk_vec’ return ‘'a vec’ (no result) *) val _ = new_constant ("mk_vec", “:'a list -> 'a vec result”) val VEC_TO_LIST_NUM_BOUNDS = new_axiom ("VEC_TO_LIST_BOUNDS", “!v. let l = LENGTH (vec_to_list v) in (0:num) <= l /\ l <= Num usize_max”) Theorem VEC_TO_LIST_INT_BOUNDS: !v. 0 <= int_of_num (LENGTH (vec_to_list v)) /\ int_of_num (LENGTH (vec_to_list v)) <= usize_max Proof gen_tac >> assume_tac VEC_TO_LIST_NUM_BOUNDS >> pop_assum (qspec_then ‘v’ ASSUME_TAC) >> pop_assum MP_TAC >> PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [GSYM INT_LE] >> sg ‘0 ≤ usize_max’ >- (ASSUME_TAC usize_bounds >> fs [u16_max_def] >> COOPER_TAC) >> metis_tac [INT_OF_NUM] QED val VEC_LEN_DEF = Define ‘vec_len v = int_to_usize (int_of_num (LENGTH (vec_to_list v)))’ Theorem VEC_LEN_SPEC: ∀v. vec_len v = int_to_usize (&(LENGTH (vec_to_list v))) ∧ 0 ≤ &(LENGTH (vec_to_list v)) ∧ &(LENGTH (vec_to_list v)) ≤ usize_max Proof gen_tac >> rw [VEC_LEN_DEF] >> qspec_then ‘v’ ASSUME_TAC VEC_TO_LIST_INT_BOUNDS >> fs [] QED val MK_VEC_SPEC = new_axiom ("MK_VEC_SPEC", “∀l. &(LENGTH l) ≤ usize_max ⇒ ∃v. mk_vec l = Return v ∧ vec_to_list v = l”) val VEC_NEW_DEF = Define ‘vec_new = case mk_vec [] of Return v => v’ Theorem VEC_NEW_SPEC: vec_to_list vec_new = [] Proof rw [VEC_NEW_DEF] >> qabbrev_tac ‘l = []’ >> qspec_then ‘l’ ASSUME_TAC MK_VEC_SPEC >> Cases_on ‘mk_vec l’ >> rfs [markerTheory.Abbrev_def, NOT_LE_EQ_GT] >> fs [] >> ASSUME_TAC usize_bounds >> fs[u16_max_def] >> TRY (ex_falso >> COOPER_TAC) >> sg ‘0 ≤ usize_max’ >- COOPER_TAC >> fs [] QED val VEC_PUSH_DEF = Define ‘vec_push_back v x = mk_vec (vec_to_list v ++ [x])’ Theorem VEC_PUSH_SPEC: ∀v x. usize_to_int (vec_len v) < usize_max ⇒ ∃vx. vec_push_back v x = Return vx ∧ vec_to_list vx = vec_to_list v ++ [x] Proof rpt strip_tac >> fs [VEC_PUSH_DEF] >> qspec_then ‘v’ ASSUME_TAC VEC_LEN_SPEC >> rw [] >> qspec_then ‘vec_to_list v ++ [x]’ ASSUME_TAC MK_VEC_SPEC >> fs [VEC_LEN_DEF] >> rw [] >> pop_assum irule >> pop_last_assum MP_TAC >> dep_rewrite.DEP_PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC all_conversion_id_lemmas >> fs [] >> COOPER_TAC QED val UPDATE_DEF = Define ‘ update ([] : 'a list) (i : num) (y : 'a) : 'a list = [] ∧ update (_ :: ls) (0: num) y = y :: ls ∧ update (x :: ls) (SUC i) y = x :: update ls i y ’ Theorem UPDATE_LENGTH: ∀ls i y. LENGTH (update ls i y) = LENGTH ls Proof Induct_on ‘ls’ >> Cases_on ‘i’ >> rw [UPDATE_DEF] QED Theorem UPDATE_SPEC: ∀ls i y. i < LENGTH ls ==> LENGTH (update ls i y) = LENGTH ls ∧ EL i (update ls i y) = y ∧ ∀j. j < LENGTH ls ⇒ j ≠ i ⇒ EL j (update ls i y) = EL j ls Proof Induct_on ‘ls’ >> Cases_on ‘i’ >> rw [UPDATE_DEF] >> Cases_on ‘j’ >> fs [] QED (* TODO: this is the base definition for index. Shall we remove the ‘return’ type? *) val VEC_INDEX_DEF = Define ‘ vec_index i v = if usize_to_int i ≤ usize_to_int (vec_len v) then Return (EL (Num (usize_to_int i)) (vec_to_list v)) else Fail Failure’ (* TODO: shortcut for qspec_then ... ASSUME_TAC *) (* TODO: use cooper_tac everywhere *) (* TODO: use pure_once_rewrite_tac everywhere *) (* TODO: injectivity lemmas for ..._to_int *) Theorem USIZE_TO_INT_INJ: ∀i j. usize_to_int i = usize_to_int j ⇔ i = j Proof rpt strip_tac >> qspec_assume ‘i’ int_to_usize_usize_to_int >> qspec_assume ‘j’ int_to_usize_usize_to_int >> metis_tac [] QED Theorem USIZE_TO_INT_NEQ_INJ: ∀i j. i <> j ==> usize_to_int i <> usize_to_int j Proof metis_tac [USIZE_TO_INT_INJ] QED (* TODO: move *) Theorem INT_OF_NUM: ∀i. 0 ≤ i ⇒ &Num i = i Proof metis_tac[integerTheory.INT_OF_NUM] QED Theorem INT_OF_NUM_NEQ_INJ: ∀n m. &n ≠ &m ⇒ n ≠ m Proof metis_tac [INT_OF_NUM_INJ] QED (* TODO: automate: take assumption, intro first premise as subgoal *) (* TODO: I think we should express as much as we could in terms of integers (not machine integers). For instance: - theorem below: ‘j <> i’ ~~> ‘usize_to_int j <> usize_to_int i’ - we should prove theorems like: ‘usize_eq i j <=> usize_to_int i = usize_to_int j’ (that we would automatically apply) *) (* &(SUC n) = 1 + &n n < m &n < &m *) val VEC_INSERT_BACK_DEF = Define ‘ vec_insert_back (v : 'a vec) (i : usize) (x : 'a) = mk_vec (update (vec_to_list v) (Num (usize_to_int i)) x)’ Theorem VEC_INSERT_BACK_SPEC: ∀v i x. usize_to_int i < usize_to_int (vec_len v) ⇒ ∃nv. vec_insert_back v i x = Return nv ∧ vec_len v = vec_len nv ∧ vec_index i nv = Return x ∧ (* TODO: usize_to_int j ≠ usize_to_int i ? *) (∀j. usize_to_int j < usize_to_int (vec_len nv) ⇒ j ≠ i ⇒ vec_index j nv = vec_index j v) Proof rpt strip_tac >> fs [VEC_INSERT_BACK_DEF] >> qspec_assume ‘update (vec_to_list v) (Num (usize_to_int i)) x’ MK_VEC_SPEC >> qspecl_assume [‘vec_to_list v’, ‘Num (usize_to_int i)’, ‘x’] UPDATE_LENGTH >> fs [] >> qspec_assume ‘v’ VEC_LEN_SPEC >> rw [] >> gvs [] >> fs [VEC_LEN_DEF, VEC_INDEX_DEF] >> sg ‘usize_to_int (int_to_usize (&LENGTH (vec_to_list v))) = &LENGTH (vec_to_list v)’ >-(irule int_to_usize_id >> COOPER_TAC) >> fs [] >> qspecl_assume [‘vec_to_list v’, ‘Num (usize_to_int i)’, ‘x’] UPDATE_SPEC >> rfs [] >> sg ‘Num (usize_to_int i) < LENGTH (vec_to_list v)’ >-( (* TODO: automate *) pure_once_rewrite_tac [GSYM INT_LT] >> dep_pure_once_rewrite_tac [INT_OF_NUM] >> qspec_assume ‘i’ usize_to_int_bounds >> fs [] ) >> fs [] >> (* Case: !j. j <> i ==> ... *) rpt strip_tac >> first_x_assum irule >> rw [] >-( (* TODO: automate *) irule INT_OF_NUM_NEQ_INJ >> dep_pure_rewrite_tac [INT_OF_NUM] >> rw [usize_to_int_bounds] >> metis_tac [USIZE_TO_INT_NEQ_INJ] ) >> (* TODO: automate *) pure_once_rewrite_tac [GSYM INT_LT] >> dep_pure_once_rewrite_tac [INT_OF_NUM] >> qspec_assume ‘j’ usize_to_int_bounds >> fs [] QED (* TODO: use lowercase everywhere for the theorem names *) (* We generate and save an induction theorem for positive integers *) Theorem int_induction: !(P : int -> bool). P 0 /\ (!i. 0 <= i /\ P i ==> P (i+1)) ==> !i. 0 <= i ==> P i Proof ntac 4 strip_tac >> Induct_on ‘Num i’ >> rpt strip_tac >-(sg ‘i = 0’ >- cooper_tac >> fs []) >> last_assum (qspec_assume ‘i-1’) >> fs [] >> pop_assum irule >> rw [] >> try_tac cooper_tac >> first_assum (qspec_assume ‘i - 1’) >> pop_assum irule >> rw [] >> try_tac cooper_tac QED val _ = TypeBase.update_induction int_induction (* Small experiment: trying to redefine common functions with integers instead of nums *) val index_def = Define ‘ index (i : int) (x :: ls) = if i = 0 then x else (if 0 < i then index (i - 1) ls else ARB) ’ val len_def = Define ‘ len [] : int = 0 /\ len (x :: ls) : int = 1 + len ls ’ val update_def = Define ‘ update ([] : 'a list) (i : int) (y : 'a) : 'a list = [] ∧ update (x :: ls) (i : int) y = if i = 0 then y :: ls else (if 0 < i then x :: update ls (i - 1) y else x :: ls) ’ Theorem update_len: ∀ls i y. len (update ls i y) = len ls Proof Induct_on ‘ls’ >> Cases_on ‘i’ >> rw [update_def, len_def] QED Theorem update_spec: ∀ls i y. 0 <= i ==> i < len ls ==> len (update ls i y) = len ls ∧ index i (update ls i y) = y ∧ ∀j. j < len ls ⇒ j ≠ i ⇒ index j (update ls i y) = index j ls Proof Induct_on ‘ls’ >> Cases_on ‘i = 0’ >> rw [update_def, len_def, index_def] >> try_tac (ex_falso >> cooper_tac) >> try_tac ( pop_last_assum (qspecl_assume [‘i' - 1’, ‘y’]) >> pop_assum sg_premise_tac >- cooper_tac >> pop_assum sg_premise_tac >- cooper_tac >> rw []) >> ( pop_assum (qspec_assume ‘j - 1’) >> pop_assum sg_premise_tac >- cooper_tac >> pop_assum sg_premise_tac >- cooper_tac >> rw []) QED Theorem index_update_same: ∀ls i j y. 0 <= i ==> i < len ls ==> j < len ls ⇒ j ≠ i ⇒ index j (update ls i y) = index j ls Proof rpt strip_tac >> qspecl_assume [‘ls’, ‘i’, ‘y’] update_spec >> rw [] QED Theorem index_update_diff: ∀ls i j y. 0 <= i ==> i < len ls ==> index i (update ls i y) = y Proof rpt strip_tac >> qspecl_assume [‘ls’, ‘i’, ‘y’] update_spec >> rw [] QED Theorem vec_to_list_int_bounds: !v. 0 <= len (vec_to_list v) /\ len (vec_to_list v) <= usize_max Proof (* TODO *) cheat QED val vec_len_def = Define ‘vec_len v = int_to_usize (len (vec_to_list v))’ Theorem vec_len_spec: ∀v. vec_len v = int_to_usize (len (vec_to_list v)) ∧ 0 ≤ len (vec_to_list v) ∧ len (vec_to_list v) ≤ usize_max Proof gen_tac >> rw [vec_len_def] >> qspec_assume ‘v’ vec_to_list_int_bounds >> fs [] QED val vec_index_def = Define ‘ vec_index i v = if usize_to_int i ≤ usize_to_int (vec_len v) then Return (index (usize_to_int i) (vec_to_list v)) else Fail Failure’ (* TODO: *) val mk_vec_spec = new_axiom ("mk_vec_spec", “∀l. len l ≤ usize_max ⇒ ∃v. mk_vec l = Return v ∧ vec_to_list v = l”) (* Redefining ‘vec_insert_back’ *) val vec_insert_back_def = Define ‘ vec_insert_back (v : 'a vec) (i : usize) (x : 'a) = mk_vec (update (vec_to_list v) (usize_to_int i) x)’ Theorem vec_insert_back_spec: ∀v i x. usize_to_int i < usize_to_int (vec_len v) ⇒ ∃nv. vec_insert_back v i x = Return nv ∧ vec_len v = vec_len nv ∧ vec_index i nv = Return x ∧ (∀j. usize_to_int j < usize_to_int (vec_len nv) ⇒ usize_to_int j ≠ usize_to_int i ⇒ vec_index j nv = vec_index j v) Proof rpt strip_tac >> fs [vec_insert_back_def] >> (* TODO: improve this? *) qspec_assume ‘update (vec_to_list v) (usize_to_int i) x’ mk_vec_spec >> sg_dep_rewrite_all_tac update_len >> fs [] >> qspec_assume ‘v’ vec_len_spec >> rw [] >> gvs [] >> fs [vec_len_def, vec_index_def] >> qspec_assume ‘i’ usize_to_int_bounds >> sg_dep_rewrite_all_tac int_to_usize_id >- cooper_tac >> fs [] >> sg_dep_rewrite_goal_tac index_update_diff >- cooper_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >> irule index_update_same >> cooper_tac QED (* TODO: add theorems to the rewriting theorems from listSimps.sml: val LIST_ss = BasicProvers.thy_ssfrag "list" val _ = BasicProvers.logged_addfrags {thyname="list"} [LIST_EQ_ss] val list_rws = computeLib.add_thms [ ALL_DISTINCT, APPEND, APPEND_NIL, CONS_11, DROP_compute, EL_restricted, EL_simp_restricted, EVERY_DEF, EXISTS_DEF, FILTER, FIND_def, FLAT, FOLDL, FOLDR, FRONT_DEF, GENLIST_AUX_compute, GENLIST_NUMERALS, HD, INDEX_FIND_def, INDEX_OF_def, LAST_compute, LENGTH, LEN_DEF, LIST_APPLY_def, LIST_BIND_def, LIST_IGNORE_BIND_def, LIST_LIFT2_def, LIST_TO_SET_THM, LLEX_def, LRC_def, LUPDATE_compute, MAP, MAP2, NOT_CONS_NIL, NOT_NIL_CONS, NULL_DEF, oEL_def, oHD_def, PAD_LEFT, PAD_RIGHT, REVERSE_REV, REV_DEF, SHORTLEX_def, SNOC, SUM_ACC_DEF, SUM_SUM_ACC, TAKE_compute, TL, UNZIP, ZIP, computeLib.lazyfy_thm list_case_compute, dropWhile_def, isPREFIX, list_size_def, nub_def, splitAtPki_def ] fun list_compset () = let val base = reduceLib.num_compset() in list_rws base; base end *) val _ = export_theory ()