structure evalLib = struct open simpLib computeLib open primitivesBaseTacLib (* Lexicographic order over pairs - TODO: this duplicates primitivesBaseTacLib *) fun pair_compare (comp1 : 'a * 'a -> order) (comp2 : 'b * 'b -> order) ((p1, p2) : (('a * 'b) * ('a * 'b))) : order = let val (x1, y1) = p1; val (x2, y2) = p2; in case comp1 (x1, x2) of LESS => LESS | GREATER => GREATER | EQUAL => comp2 (y1, y2) end (* A constant name (theory, constant name) - TODO: this duplicates primitivesBaseTacLib *) type const_name = string * string val const_name_compare = pair_compare fun get_const_name (tm : term) : const_name = let val {Thy=thy, Name=name, Ty=_} = dest_thy_const tm in (thy, name) end (* Create the persistent collection of rewrite theorems - TODO: more efficient collection than a list? *) val (add_rewrite_thm, get_rewrite_thms) = let (* Small helper *) fun add_to_state (th : thm) s = th :: s (* Persistently update the maps given a delta *) fun apply_delta (delta : ThmSetData.setdelta) st = case delta of ThmSetData.ADD (_, th) => add_to_state th st | ThmSetData.REMOVE _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "evalLib" "apply_delta" ("Unexpected REMOVE") (* Initialize the collection *) val init_state = [] val {update_global_value, (* Local update *) record_delta, (* Global update *) get_global_value = get_rewrite_thms, ...} = ThmSetData.export_with_ancestry { settype = "evalLib_rewrite_theorems", delta_ops = {apply_to_global = apply_delta, uptodate_delta = K true, thy_finaliser = NONE, initial_value = init_state, apply_delta = apply_delta} } fun add_rewrite_thm (s : string) : unit = let val th = saveThmsLib.lookup_thm s in (* Record the delta - for persistence for the future sessions *) record_delta (ThmSetData.ADD th); (* Update the global value - for the current session: record_delta doesn't update the state of the current session *) update_global_value (add_to_state (snd th)) end in (add_rewrite_thm, get_rewrite_thms) end fun add_rewrite_thms (ls : string list) : unit = app add_rewrite_thm ls (* Create the persistent collection of unfolding theorems, which is a pair: (set of constants, map from constant name to theorem) *) type unfold_state = term Redblackset.set * (const_name, thm) Redblackmap.dict fun get_custom_unfold_const (th : thm) : term = (fst o strip_comb o lhs o snd o strip_forall o concl) th val (add_unfold_thm, get_unfold_thms_map) = let (* Small helper *) fun add_to_state (th : thm) (s, m) = let val k = get_custom_unfold_const th val name = get_const_name k val s = Redblackset.add (s, k) val m = Redblackmap.insert (m, name, th) in (s, m) end (* Persistently update the maps given a delta *) fun apply_delta (delta : ThmSetData.setdelta) st = case delta of ThmSetData.ADD (_, th) => add_to_state th st | ThmSetData.REMOVE _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "evalLib" "apply_delta" ("Unexpected REMOVE") (* Initialize the collection *) val init_state = (Redblackset.empty compare, Redblackmap.mkDict const_name_compare) val {update_global_value, (* Local update *) record_delta, (* Global update *) get_global_value = get_unfold_thms_map, ...} = ThmSetData.export_with_ancestry { settype = "evalLib_unfold_theorems", delta_ops = {apply_to_global = apply_delta, uptodate_delta = K true, thy_finaliser = NONE, initial_value = init_state, apply_delta = apply_delta} } fun add_unfold_thm (s : string) : unit = let val th = saveThmsLib.lookup_thm s in (* Record the delta - for persistence for the future sessions *) record_delta (ThmSetData.ADD th); (* Update the global value - for the current session: record_delta doesn't update the state of the current session *) update_global_value (add_to_state (snd th)) end in (add_unfold_thm, get_unfold_thms_map) end fun add_unfold_thms (ls : string list) : unit = app add_unfold_thm ls fun get_unfold_thms () : thm list = map snd (Redblackmap.listItems (snd (get_unfold_thms_map ()))) (* Apply a custom unfolding to the term, if possible. This conversion never fails nor raises exceptions. *) fun apply_custom_unfold (tm : term) : thm = let (* Retrieve the custom unfoldings *) val custom_unfolds = snd (get_unfold_thms_map ()) (* Remove all the matches to find the top-most scrutinee *) val scrut = strip_all_cases_get_scrutinee tm (* Find an unfolding to apply: we look at the application itself, then all its arguments, then unfold it. TODO: maybe do something more systematic, like CBV This function returns a theorem or raises an HOL_ERR *) fun find_unfolding (tm : term) : thm = (* Try to find an unfolding on the current term *) let (* Deconstruct the constant and attempt to lookup an unfolding theorem *) val c = (fst o strip_comb) tm val cname = get_const_name c val unfold_th = Redblackmap.find (custom_unfolds, cname) handle Redblackmap.NotFound => failwith "No theorem found" (* Instantiate the theorem *) val unfold_th = SPEC_ALL unfold_th val th_tm = (lhs o concl) unfold_th val (subst, inst) = match_term th_tm tm val unfold_th = INST subst (INST_TYPE inst unfold_th) in unfold_th end handle HOL_ERR _ => (* Can't unfold the current term: decompose it and explore the subterms *) if is_comb tm then let val tm = strip_all_cases_get_scrutinee tm val (app, args) = strip_comb tm val tml = List.rev (app :: args) in find_unfolding_in_list tml end else failwith "Found no constant on which to apply an unfolding" and find_unfolding_in_list (ls : term list) : thm = case ls of [] => failwith "Found no constant on which to apply an unfolding" | tm :: tl => (* Explore the argument, if it fails explore the application *) find_unfolding tm handle HOL_ERR _ => find_unfolding_in_list tl val unfold_th = find_unfolding scrut in (* Apply the theorem - for security, we apply it only once. TODO: we might want to be more precise and apply it exactly where we need to. *) PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [unfold_th] tm end handle HOL_ERR _ => REFL tm fun eval_conv tm = let (* TODO: optimize: we recompute the list each time... *) val restr_tms = Redblackset.listItems (fst (get_unfold_thms_map ())) (* We do the following: - use the standard EVAL conv, but restrains it from unfolding terms for which we have custom unfolding theorems - apply custom unfoldings - simplify *) val standard_eval = RESTR_EVAL_CONV restr_tms val simp_no_fail_conv = (fn x => SIMP_CONV (srw_ss ()) (get_rewrite_thms ()) x handle UNCHANGED => REFL x) val one_step_conv = standard_eval THENC (apply_custom_unfold THENC simp_no_fail_conv) (* Wrap the conversion such that it fails if the term is unchanged *) fun one_step_changed_conv tm = (CHANGED_CONV one_step_conv) tm in (* Repeat *) REPEATC one_step_changed_conv tm end handle UNCHANGED => REFL tm fun eval tm = (rhs o concl) (eval_conv tm) end