signature evalLib =
  (* This module implements [eval_conv], which supersedes EVAL_CONV by
     allowing to use custom unfolding theorems. This is particularly
     useful for divDefLib, which returns rewriting theorems to the user
     which are actually not definitional theorems.

  include Abbrev

  (* The following functions allow to *persistently* register custom rewriting theorems.

     Remark: it is important that we allow to save rewriting theorems without forcing
     the user to save them in, say, srw_ss.
  val add_rewrite_thm : thm -> unit
  val add_rewrite_thms : thm list -> unit

  (* The following functions allow to *persistently* register custom unfolding theorems *)
  val add_unfold_thm : thm -> unit
  val add_unfold_thms : thm list -> unit

  (* Get the unfolding theorems *)
  val get_unfold_thms : unit -> thm list

  (* The custom "eval" conversion *)
  val eval_conv : conv

  (* The custom "eval" function *)
  val eval : term -> term