(* Title: typechecking.ML Author: Joshua Chen Type information and type-checking infrastructure. *) structure Types: sig val Data: Proof.context -> thm Item_Net.T val types: Proof.context -> term -> thm list val put_type: thm -> Proof.context -> Proof.context val put_types: thm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context val known_ctac: thm list -> int -> context_tactic val check_infer: thm list -> int -> context_tactic end = struct (* Context data *) structure Data = Generic_Data ( type T = thm Item_Net.T val empty = Item_Net.init Thm.eq_thm (single o Lib.term_of_typing o Thm.prop_of) val extend = I val merge = Item_Net.merge ) val Data = Data.get o Context.Proof fun types ctxt tm = Item_Net.retrieve (Data ctxt) tm fun put_type typing = Context.proof_map (Data.map (Item_Net.update typing)) fun put_types typings = foldr1 (op o) (map put_type typings) (* Context tactics for type-checking *) (*For debugging*) structure Probe = Proof_Data ( type T = int val init = K 0 ) (*Solves goals without metavariables and type inference problems by resolving with facts or assumption from inline premises.*) fun known_ctac facts = CONTEXT_SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) => fn (ctxt, st) => TACTIC_CONTEXT ctxt let val concl = Logic.strip_assums_concl goal in if Lib.no_vars concl orelse (Lib.is_typing concl andalso Lib.no_vars (Lib.term_of_typing concl)) then let val ths = facts (*FIXME: Shouldn't pull nameless facts directly from context*) @ map fst (Facts.props (Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt)) in (resolve_tac ctxt ths i ORELSE assume_tac ctxt i) st end else Seq.empty end) (*Simple bidirectional typing tactic, with some nondeterminism from backtracking search over arbitrary `typechk` rules. The current implementation does not perform any normalization.*) local fun check_infer_step facts i (ctxt, st) = let val tac = SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) => if Lib.rigid_typing_concl goal then let val net = Tactic.build_net (facts (*MAYBE FIXME: Remove `typechk` from this list, and instead perform definitional unfolding to (w?)hnf.*) @(Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\typechk\) @(Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\intros\) @(map #1 (Elim.rules ctxt))) in (resolve_from_net_tac ctxt net) i end else no_tac) val ctxt' = Probe.map (fn i => i + 1) ctxt in TACTIC_CONTEXT ctxt' (tac i st) end in fun check_infer facts = let val probe = K (print_ctac (Int.toString o Probe.get)) in CREPEAT_ALL_NEW_FWD ( probe CTHEN' known_ctac facts CORELSE' probe CTHEN' check_infer_step facts) end end end