(* Title: equality.ML Author: Joshua Chen Equality reasoning with identity types. *) structure Equality: sig val dest_Id: term -> term * term * term val push_hyp_tac: term * term -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic val induction_tac: term -> term -> term -> term -> Proof.context -> tactic val equality_context_tac: Facts.ref -> Proof.context -> context_tactic end = struct fun dest_Id tm = case tm of Const (\<^const_name>\Id\, _) $ A $ x $ y => (A, x, y) | _ => error "dest_Id" (*Context assumptions that have already been pushed into the type family*) structure Inserts = Proof_Data ( type T = term Item_Net.T val init = K (Item_Net.init Term.aconv_untyped single) ) fun push_hyp_tac (t, _) = Subgoal.FOCUS_PARAMS (fn {context = ctxt, concl, ...} => let val (_, C) = Lib.dest_typing (Thm.term_of concl) val B = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Lib.lambda_var t C) val a = Thm.cterm_of ctxt t (*The resolvent is PiE[where ?B=B and ?a=a]*) val resolvent = Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [NONE, NONE, SOME B, SOME a] @{thm PiE} in HEADGOAL (resolve_tac ctxt [resolvent]) THEN SOMEGOAL (known_tac ctxt) end) fun induction_tac p A x y ctxt = let val [p, A, x, y] = map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt) [p, A, x, y] in HEADGOAL (resolve_tac ctxt [Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [SOME p, SOME A, SOME x, SOME y] @{thm IdE}]) end val side_conds_tac = TRY oo typechk_tac fun equality_context_tac fact ctxt = let val eq_th = Proof_Context.get_fact_single ctxt fact val (p, (A, x, y)) = (Lib.dest_typing ##> dest_Id) (Thm.prop_of eq_th) val hyps = Facts.props (Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt) |> filter (fn (th, _) => Lib.is_typing (Thm.prop_of th)) |> map (Lib.dest_typing o Thm.prop_of o fst) |> filter_out (fn (t, _) => Term.aconv (t, p) orelse Item_Net.member (Inserts.get ctxt) t) |> map (fn (t, T) => ((t, T), Lib.subterm_count_distinct [p, x, y] T)) |> filter (fn (_, i) => i > 0) (*`t1: T1` comes before `t2: T2` if T1 contains t2 as subterm. If they are incomparable, then order by decreasing `subterm_count [p, x, y] T`*) |> sort (fn (((t1, _), i), ((_, T2), j)) => Lib.cond_order (Lib.subterm_order T2 t1) (int_ord (j, i))) |> map #1 val record_inserts = Inserts.map (fold (fn (t, _) => fn net => Item_Net.update t net) hyps) val tac = fold (fn hyp => fn tac => tac THEN HEADGOAL (push_hyp_tac hyp ctxt)) hyps all_tac THEN ( induction_tac p A x y ctxt THEN RANGE (replicate 3 (typechk_tac ctxt) @ [side_conds_tac ctxt]) 1 ) THEN ( REPEAT_DETERM_N (length hyps) (SOMEGOAL (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms PiI})) THEN ALLGOALS (side_conds_tac ctxt) ) in fn (ctxt, st) => Context_Tactic.TACTIC_CONTEXT (record_inserts ctxt) (tac st) end end