(* Title: elaboration.ML Author: Joshua Chen Basic elaboration. *) structure Elab: sig val elab: Proof.context -> cterm list -> term -> Envir.env val elab_stmt: Proof.context -> cterm list -> term -> Envir.env * term end = struct (*Elaborate `tm` by solving the inference problem `tm: {}`, knowing `assums`, which are fully elaborated, in `ctxt`. Return a substitution.*) fun elab ctxt assums tm = if Lib.no_vars tm then Envir.init else let val inf = Goal.init (Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Lib.typing_of_term tm)) val res = Types.check_infer (map Thm.assume assums) 1 (ctxt, inf) val tm' = Thm.prop_of (#2 (Seq.hd (Seq.filter_results res))) |> Lib.dest_prop |> Lib.term_of_typing handle TERM ("dest_typing", [t]) => let val typ = Logic.unprotect (Logic.strip_assums_concl t) |> Lib.term_of_typing in error ("Elaboration of " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt typ ^ " failed") end in Seq.hd (Unify.matchers (Context.Proof ctxt) [(tm, tm')]) end handle Option => error ("Elaboration of " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt tm ^ " failed") (*Recursively elaborate a statement \x ... y. \...\ \ P x ... y by elaborating only the types of typing judgments (in particular, does not look at judgmental equality statements). Could also elaborate the terms of typing judgments, but for now we assume that these are always free variables in all the cases we're interested in.*) fun elab_stmt ctxt assums stmt = let val stmt = Lib.dest_prop stmt fun subst_term env = Envir.subst_term (Envir.type_env env, Envir.term_env env) in if Lib.no_vars stmt orelse Lib.is_eq stmt then (Envir.init, stmt) else if Lib.is_typing stmt then let val typ = Lib.type_of_typing stmt val subst = elab ctxt assums typ in (subst, subst_term subst stmt) end else let fun elab' assums (x :: xs) = let val (env, x') = elab_stmt ctxt assums x val assums' = if Lib.no_vars x' then Thm.cterm_of ctxt x' :: assums else assums in env :: elab' assums' xs end | elab' _ [] = [] val (prems, concl) = Lib.decompose_goal ctxt stmt val subst = fold (curry Envir.merge) (elab' assums prems) Envir.init val prems' = map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt o subst_term subst) prems val subst' = if Lib.is_typing concl then let val typ = Lib.type_of_typing concl in Envir.merge (subst, elab ctxt (assums @ prems') typ) end else subst in (subst', subst_term subst' stmt) end end end