(* Title: elaborated_expression.ML Author: Joshua Chen A modification of parts of ~~/Pure/Isar/expression.ML to incorporate elaboration into the assumptions mechanism. Most of this file is copied verbatim from the original; the only changes are the addition of `elaborate` and a modification to `activate_i`. *) structure Elaborated_Expression = struct local open Element fun mk_type T = (Logic.mk_type T, []) fun mk_term t = (t, []) fun mk_propp (p, pats) = (Type.constraint propT p, pats) fun dest_type (T, []) = Logic.dest_type T fun dest_term (t, []) = t fun dest_propp (p, pats) = (p, pats) fun extract_inst (_, (_, ts)) = map mk_term ts fun restore_inst ((l, (p, _)), cs) = (l, (p, map dest_term cs)) fun extract_eqns es = map (mk_term o snd) es fun restore_eqns (es, cs) = map2 (fn (b, _) => fn c => (b, dest_term c)) es cs fun extract_elem (Fixes fixes) = map (#2 #> the_list #> map mk_type) fixes | extract_elem (Constrains csts) = map (#2 #> single #> map mk_type) csts | extract_elem (Assumes asms) = map (#2 #> map mk_propp) asms | extract_elem (Defines defs) = map (fn (_, (t, ps)) => [mk_propp (t, ps)]) defs | extract_elem (Notes _) = [] | extract_elem (Lazy_Notes _) = [] fun restore_elem (Fixes fixes, css) = (fixes ~~ css) |> map (fn ((x, _, mx), cs) => (x, cs |> map dest_type |> try hd, mx)) |> Fixes | restore_elem (Constrains csts, css) = (csts ~~ css) |> map (fn ((x, _), cs) => (x, cs |> map dest_type |> hd)) |> Constrains | restore_elem (Assumes asms, css) = (asms ~~ css) |> map (fn ((b, _), cs) => (b, map dest_propp cs)) |> Assumes | restore_elem (Defines defs, css) = (defs ~~ css) |> map (fn ((b, _), [c]) => (b, dest_propp c)) |> Defines | restore_elem (elem as Notes _, _) = elem | restore_elem (elem as Lazy_Notes _, _) = elem fun prep (_, pats) (ctxt, t :: ts) = let val ctxt' = Proof_Context.augment t ctxt in ((t, Syntax.check_props (Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_pattern ctxt') pats), (ctxt', ts)) end fun check cs ctxt = let val (cs', (ctxt', _)) = fold_map prep cs (ctxt, Syntax.check_terms (Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_schematic ctxt) (map fst cs)) in (cs', ctxt') end fun inst_morphism params ((prfx, mandatory), insts') ctxt = let (* parameters *) val parm_types = map #2 params; val type_parms = fold Term.add_tfreesT parm_types []; (* type inference *) val parm_types' = map (Type_Infer.paramify_vars o Logic.varifyT_global) parm_types; val type_parms' = fold Term.add_tvarsT parm_types' []; val checked = (map (Logic.mk_type o TVar) type_parms' @ map2 Type.constraint parm_types' insts') |> Syntax.check_terms (Config.put Type_Infer.object_logic false ctxt) val (type_parms'', insts'') = chop (length type_parms') checked; (* context *) val ctxt' = fold Proof_Context.augment checked ctxt; val certT = Thm.trim_context_ctyp o Thm.ctyp_of ctxt'; val cert = Thm.trim_context_cterm o Thm.cterm_of ctxt'; (* instantiation *) val instT = (type_parms ~~ map Logic.dest_type type_parms'') |> map_filter (fn (v, T) => if TFree v = T then NONE else SOME (v, T)); val cert_inst = ((map #1 params ~~ map (Term_Subst.instantiateT_frees instT) parm_types) ~~ insts'') |> map_filter (fn (v, t) => if Free v = t then NONE else SOME (v, cert t)); in (Element.instantiate_normalize_morphism (map (apsnd certT) instT, cert_inst) $> Morphism.binding_morphism "Expression.inst" (Binding.prefix mandatory prfx), ctxt') end; fun abs_def ctxt = Thm.cterm_of ctxt #> Assumption.assume ctxt #> Local_Defs.abs_def_rule ctxt #> Thm.prop_of; fun declare_elem prep_var (Element.Fixes fixes) ctxt = let val (vars, _) = fold_map prep_var fixes ctxt in ctxt |> Proof_Context.add_fixes vars |> snd end | declare_elem prep_var (Element.Constrains csts) ctxt = ctxt |> fold_map (fn (x, T) => prep_var (Binding.name x, SOME T, NoSyn)) csts |> snd | declare_elem _ (Element.Assumes _) ctxt = ctxt | declare_elem _ (Element.Defines _) ctxt = ctxt | declare_elem _ (Element.Notes _) ctxt = ctxt | declare_elem _ (Element.Lazy_Notes _) ctxt = ctxt; fun parameters_of thy strict (expr, fixed) = let val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy; fun reject_dups message xs = (case duplicates (op =) xs of [] => () | dups => error (message ^ commas dups)); fun parm_eq ((p1, mx1), (p2, mx2)) = p1 = p2 andalso (Mixfix.equal (mx1, mx2) orelse error ("Conflicting syntax for parameter " ^ quote p1 ^ " in expression" ^ Position.here_list [Mixfix.pos_of mx1, Mixfix.pos_of mx2])); fun params_loc loc = Locale.params_of thy loc |> map (apfst #1); fun params_inst (loc, (prfx, (Expression.Positional insts, eqns))) = let val ps = params_loc loc; val d = length ps - length insts; val insts' = if d < 0 then error ("More arguments than parameters in instantiation of locale " ^ quote (Locale.markup_name ctxt loc)) else insts @ replicate d NONE; val ps' = (ps ~~ insts') |> map_filter (fn (p, NONE) => SOME p | (_, SOME _) => NONE); in (ps', (loc, (prfx, (Expression.Positional insts', eqns)))) end | params_inst (loc, (prfx, (Expression.Named insts, eqns))) = let val _ = reject_dups "Duplicate instantiation of the following parameter(s): " (map fst insts); val ps' = (insts, params_loc loc) |-> fold (fn (p, _) => fn ps => if AList.defined (op =) ps p then AList.delete (op =) p ps else error (quote p ^ " not a parameter of instantiated expression")); in (ps', (loc, (prfx, (Expression.Named insts, eqns)))) end; fun params_expr is = let val (is', ps') = fold_map (fn i => fn ps => let val (ps', i') = params_inst i; val ps'' = distinct parm_eq (ps @ ps'); in (i', ps'') end) is [] in (ps', is') end; val (implicit, expr') = params_expr expr; val implicit' = map #1 implicit; val fixed' = map (Variable.check_name o #1) fixed; val _ = reject_dups "Duplicate fixed parameter(s): " fixed'; val implicit'' = if strict then [] else let val _ = reject_dups "Parameter(s) declared simultaneously in expression and for clause: " (implicit' @ fixed'); in map (fn (x, mx) => (Binding.name x, NONE, mx)) implicit end; in (expr', implicit'' @ fixed) end; fun parse_elem prep_typ prep_term ctxt = Element.map_ctxt {binding = I, typ = prep_typ ctxt, term = prep_term (Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_schematic ctxt), pattern = prep_term (Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_pattern ctxt), fact = I, attrib = I}; fun prepare_stmt prep_prop prep_obtains ctxt stmt = (case stmt of Element.Shows raw_shows => raw_shows |> (map o apsnd o map) (fn (t, ps) => (prep_prop (Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_schematic ctxt) t, map (prep_prop (Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_pattern ctxt)) ps)) | Element.Obtains raw_obtains => let val ((_, thesis), thesis_ctxt) = Obtain.obtain_thesis ctxt; val obtains = prep_obtains thesis_ctxt thesis raw_obtains; in map (fn (b, t) => ((b, []), [(t, [])])) obtains end); fun finish_fixes (parms: (string * typ) list) = map (fn (binding, _, mx) => let val x = Binding.name_of binding in (binding, AList.lookup (op =) parms x, mx) end) fun finish_inst ctxt (loc, (prfx, inst)) = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt; val (morph, _) = inst_morphism (map #1 (Locale.params_of thy loc)) (prfx, inst) ctxt; in (loc, morph) end fun closeup _ _ false elem = elem | closeup (outer_ctxt, ctxt) parms true elem = let (* FIXME consider closing in syntactic phase -- before type checking *) fun close_frees t = let val rev_frees = Term.fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) => if Variable.is_fixed outer_ctxt x orelse AList.defined (op =) parms x then I else insert (op =) (x, T) | _ => I) t []; in fold (Logic.all o Free) rev_frees t end; fun no_binds [] = [] | no_binds _ = error "Illegal term bindings in context element"; in (case elem of Assumes asms => Assumes (asms |> map (fn (a, propps) => (a, map (fn (t, ps) => (close_frees t, no_binds ps)) propps))) | Defines defs => Defines (defs |> map (fn ((name, atts), (t, ps)) => let val ((c, _), t') = Local_Defs.cert_def ctxt (K []) (close_frees t) in ((Thm.def_binding_optional (Binding.name c) name, atts), (t', no_binds ps)) end)) | e => e) end fun finish_elem _ parms _ (Fixes fixes) = Fixes (finish_fixes parms fixes) | finish_elem _ _ _ (Constrains _) = Constrains [] | finish_elem ctxts parms do_close (Assumes asms) = closeup ctxts parms do_close (Assumes asms) | finish_elem ctxts parms do_close (Defines defs) = closeup ctxts parms do_close (Defines defs) | finish_elem _ _ _ (elem as Notes _) = elem | finish_elem _ _ _ (elem as Lazy_Notes _) = elem fun check_autofix insts eqnss elems concl ctxt = let val inst_cs = map extract_inst insts; val eqns_cs = map extract_eqns eqnss; val elem_css = map extract_elem elems; val concl_cs = (map o map) mk_propp (map snd concl); (* Type inference *) val (inst_cs' :: eqns_cs' :: css', ctxt') = (fold_burrow o fold_burrow) check (inst_cs :: eqns_cs :: elem_css @ [concl_cs]) ctxt; val (elem_css', [concl_cs']) = chop (length elem_css) css'; in ((map restore_inst (insts ~~ inst_cs'), map restore_eqns (eqnss ~~ eqns_cs'), map restore_elem (elems ~~ elem_css'), map fst concl ~~ concl_cs'), ctxt') end fun prep_full_context_statement parse_typ parse_prop prep_obtains prep_var_elem prep_inst prep_eqns prep_attr prep_var_inst prep_expr {strict, do_close, fixed_frees} raw_import init_body raw_elems raw_stmt ctxt1 = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt1 val (raw_insts, fixed) = parameters_of thy strict (apfst (prep_expr thy) raw_import) fun prep_insts_cumulative (loc, (prfx, (inst, eqns))) (i, insts, eqnss, ctxt) = let val params = map #1 (Locale.params_of thy loc) val inst' = prep_inst ctxt (map #1 params) inst val parm_types' = params |> map (#2 #> Logic.varifyT_global #> Term.map_type_tvar (fn ((x, _), S) => TVar ((x, i), S)) #> Type_Infer.paramify_vars) val inst'' = map2 Type.constraint parm_types' inst' val insts' = insts @ [(loc, (prfx, inst''))] val ((insts'', _, _, _), ctxt2) = check_autofix insts' [] [] [] ctxt val inst''' = insts'' |> List.last |> snd |> snd val (inst_morph, _) = inst_morphism params (prfx, inst''') ctxt val ctxt' = Locale.activate_declarations (loc, inst_morph) ctxt2 handle ERROR msg => if null eqns then error msg else (Locale.tracing ctxt1 (msg ^ "\nFalling back to reading rewrites clause before activation."); ctxt2) val attrss = map (apsnd (map (prep_attr ctxt)) o fst) eqns val eqns' = (prep_eqns ctxt' o map snd) eqns val eqnss' = [attrss ~~ eqns'] val ((_, [eqns''], _, _), _) = check_autofix insts'' eqnss' [] [] ctxt' val rewrite_morph = eqns' |> map (abs_def ctxt') |> Variable.export_terms ctxt' ctxt |> Element.eq_term_morphism (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) |> the_default Morphism.identity val ctxt'' = Locale.activate_declarations (loc, inst_morph $> rewrite_morph) ctxt val eqnss' = eqnss @ [attrss ~~ Variable.export_terms ctxt' ctxt eqns'] in (i + 1, insts', eqnss', ctxt'') end fun prep_elem raw_elem ctxt = let val ctxt' = ctxt |> Context_Position.set_visible false |> declare_elem prep_var_elem raw_elem |> Context_Position.restore_visible ctxt val elems' = parse_elem parse_typ parse_prop ctxt' raw_elem in (elems', ctxt') end val fors = fold_map prep_var_inst fixed ctxt1 |> fst val ctxt2 = ctxt1 |> Proof_Context.add_fixes fors |> snd val (_, insts', eqnss', ctxt3) = fold prep_insts_cumulative raw_insts (0, [], [], ctxt2) fun prep_stmt elems ctxt = check_autofix insts' [] elems (prepare_stmt parse_prop prep_obtains ctxt raw_stmt) ctxt val _ = if fixed_frees then () else (case fold (fold (Variable.add_frees ctxt3) o snd o snd) insts' [] of [] => () | frees => error ("Illegal free variables in expression: " ^ commas_quote (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt3 o Free) (rev frees)))) val ((insts, _, elems', concl), ctxt4) = ctxt3 |> init_body |> fold_map prep_elem raw_elems |-> prep_stmt (* parameters from expression and elements *) val xs = maps (fn Element.Fixes fixes => map (Variable.check_name o #1) fixes | _ => []) (Element.Fixes fors :: elems') val (parms, ctxt5) = fold_map Proof_Context.inferred_param xs ctxt4 val fors' = finish_fixes parms fors val fixed = map (fn (b, SOME T, mx) => ((Binding.name_of b, T), mx)) fors' val deps = map (finish_inst ctxt5) insts val elems'' = map (finish_elem (ctxt1, ctxt5) parms do_close) elems' in ((fixed, deps, eqnss', elems'', concl), (parms, ctxt5)) end fun prep_inst prep_term ctxt parms (Expression.Positional insts) = (insts ~~ parms) |> map (fn (NONE, p) => Free (p, dummyT) | (SOME t, _) => prep_term ctxt t) | prep_inst prep_term ctxt parms (Expression.Named insts) = parms |> map (fn p => (case AList.lookup (op =) insts p of SOME t => prep_term ctxt t | NONE => Free (p, dummyT))) fun parse_inst x = prep_inst Syntax.parse_term x fun check_expr thy instances = map (apfst (Locale.check thy)) instances val read_full_context_statement = prep_full_context_statement Syntax.parse_typ Syntax.parse_prop Obtain.parse_obtains Proof_Context.read_var parse_inst Syntax.read_props Attrib.check_src Proof_Context.read_var check_expr in fun prep_statement prep activate raw_elems raw_stmt ctxt = let val ((_, _, _, elems, concl), _) = prep {strict = true, do_close = false, fixed_frees = true} ([], []) I raw_elems raw_stmt ctxt; val ctxt' = ctxt |> Proof_Context.set_stmt true |> fold_map activate elems |> #2 |> Proof_Context.restore_stmt ctxt; in (concl, ctxt') end fun elaborate ctxt assms = let fun subst_term env = Envir.subst_term (Envir.type_env env, Envir.term_env env) fun elab_fact (fact, xs) assums = let val (subst, fact') = Elab.elab_stmt ctxt assums fact in ((fact', map (subst_term subst) xs), Thm.cterm_of ctxt fact' :: assums) end fun elab (b, facts) assums = let val (facts', assums') = fold_map elab_fact facts assums in ((b, facts'), assums') end in #1 (fold_map elab assms []) end fun activate_i elem ctxt = let val elem' = (case (map_ctxt_attrib o map) Token.init_assignable elem of Defines defs => Defines (defs |> map (fn ((a, atts), (t, ps)) => ((Thm.def_binding_optional (Binding.name (#1 (#1 (Local_Defs.cert_def ctxt (K []) t)))) a, atts), (t, ps)))) | Assumes assms => Assumes (elaborate ctxt assms) | e => e); val ctxt' = Context.proof_map (init elem') ctxt; in ((map_ctxt_attrib o map) Token.closure elem', ctxt') end fun activate raw_elem ctxt = let val elem = raw_elem |> map_ctxt {binding = I, typ = I, term = I, pattern = I, fact = Proof_Context.get_fact ctxt, attrib = Attrib.check_src ctxt} in activate_i elem ctxt end; fun read_statement x = prep_statement read_full_context_statement activate x end end