structure Calc = struct (* Calculational type context data A "calculational" type is a type expressing some congruence relation. In particular, it has a notion of composition of terms that is often used to derive proofs equationally. *) structure RHS = Generic_Data ( type T = (term * indexname) Termtab.table val empty = Termtab.empty val extend = I val merge = Termtab.merge (Term.aconv o apply2 #1) ) fun register_rhs t var = let val key = Term.head_of t val idxname = #1 (dest_Var var) in (Termtab.update (key, (t, idxname))) end fun lookup_calc ctxt t = Termtab.lookup (RHS.get (Context.Proof ctxt)) (Term.head_of t) (* Declaration *) local val Frees_to_Vars = map_aterms (fn tm => case tm of Free (name, T) => Var (("*!"^name, 0), T) (*FIXME: Hacky naming!*) | _ => tm) in (*Declare the "right-hand side" of calculational types. Does not handle bound variables, so no dependent RHS in declarations!*) val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory \<^command_keyword>\calc\ "declare right hand side of calculational type" (Parse.term -- (\<^keyword>\rhs\ |-- Parse.term) >> (fn (t_str, rhs_str) => fn lthy => let val (t, rhs) = apply2 (Frees_to_Vars o Syntax.read_term lthy) (t_str, rhs_str) in lthy |> Local_Theory.background_theory ( Context.theory_map (register_rhs t rhs)) end)) end (* Ditto "''" setup *) fun last_rhs ctxt = map_aterms (fn t => case t of Const (\<^const_name>\rhs\, _) => let val this_name = Name_Space.full_name (Proof_Context.naming_of ctxt) ( Auto_Bind.thisN) val this = #thms (the (Proof_Context.lookup_fact ctxt this_name)) handle Option => [] val rhs = (case map Thm.prop_of this of [prop] => (let val typ = Lib.type_of_typing (Logic.strip_assums_concl prop) val (cong_pttrn, varname) = the (lookup_calc ctxt typ) val unif_res = Pattern.unify (Context.Proof ctxt) (cong_pttrn, typ) Envir.init val rhs = #2 (the (Vartab.lookup (Envir.term_env unif_res) varname)) in rhs end handle Option => error (".. can't match right-hand side of calculational type")) | _ => Term.dummy) in rhs end | _ => t) val _ = Context.>> (Syntax_Phases.term_check 5 "" (fn ctxt => map (last_rhs ctxt))) end