(* Title: HoTT/Sum.thy Author: Josh Chen Date: Jun 2018 Dependent sum type. *) theory Sum imports HoTT_Base begin section \Constants and syntax\ axiomatization Sum :: "[Term, Typefam] \ Term" and pair :: "[Term, Term] \ Term" ("(1<_,/ _>)") and indSum :: "[[Term, Term] \ Term, Term] \ Term" ("(1ind\<^sub>\)") syntax "_SUM" :: "[idt, Term, Term] \ Term" ("(3\_:_./ _)" 20) "_SUM_ASCII" :: "[idt, Term, Term] \ Term" ("(3SUM _:_./ _)" 20) translations "\x:A. B" \ "CONST Sum A (\x. B)" "SUM x:A. B" \ "CONST Sum A (\x. B)" text "Nondependent pair." abbreviation Pair :: "[Term, Term] \ Term" (infixr "\" 50) where "A \ B \ \_:A. B" section \Type rules\ axiomatization where Sum_form: "\A: U(i); B: A \ U(i)\ \ \x:A. B(x): U(i)" and Sum_intro: "\B: A \ U(i); a: A; b: B(a)\ \ : \x:A. B(x)" and Sum_elim: "\ C: \x:A. B(x) \ U(i); \x y. \x: A; y: B(x)\ \ f(x)(y) : C(); p : \x:A. B(x) \ \ ind\<^sub>\(f)(p) : C(p)" (* What does writing \x y. f(x, y) change? *) and Sum_comp: "\ C: \x:A. B(x) \ U(i); B: A \ U(i); \x y. \x: A; y: B(x)\ \ f(x)(y) : C(); a: A; b: B(a) \ \ ind\<^sub>\(f)() \ f(a)(b)" text "Admissible inference rules for sum formation:" axiomatization where Sum_form_cond1: "(\x:A. B(x): U(i)) \ A: U(i)" and Sum_form_cond2: "(\x:A. B(x): U(i)) \ B: A \ U(i)" lemmas Sum_rules [intro] = Sum_form Sum_intro Sum_elim Sum_comp lemmas Sum_forms = Sum_form Sum_form_cond1 Sum_form_cond2 lemmas Sum_comps [comp] = Sum_comp section \Empty type\ axiomatization Empty :: Term ("\") and indEmpty :: "Term \ Term" ("(1ind\<^sub>\)") where Empty_form: "\ : U(O)" and Empty_elim: "\C: \ \ U(i); z: \\ \ ind\<^sub>\(z): C(z)" lemmas Empty_rules [intro] = Empty_form Empty_elim end