# Isabelle/HoTT Isabelle/HoTT is an experimental implementation of [homotopy type theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homotopy_type_theory) in the [Isabelle](https://isabelle.in.tum.de/) interactive theorem prover. It largely follows the development of the theory in the [Homotopy Type Theory book](https://homotopytypetheory.org/book/), but aims to be general enough to support cubical and other kinds of homotopy type theories. Work is slowly ongoing to develop the logic into a fully-featured framework in which one can formulate and prove mathematical statements, in the style of the univalent foundations school. While Isabelle has provided support for object logics based on Martin-Löf type theory since the beginning, these have largely been ignored in favor of Isabelle/HOL. Thus this project is also an experiment in creating a viable framework, based on dependent type theory, inside the simple type theoretic foundations of Isabelle/Pure. ### Usage Isabelle/HoTT is compatible with Isabelle2020. To use, add the Isabelle/HoTT folder path to `.isabelle/Isabelle2020/ROOTS` (on Mac/Linux/cygwin installations): ``` $ echo path/to/Isabelle/HoTT >> ~/.isabelle/Isabelle2020/ROOTS ``` ### To-do list In no particular order. Some of the following might require changes to the Isabelle prover itself. - [ ] Implement dedicated tables for type information. - [ ] Tactic-based term elaboration has (at least) two problems: 1. `assume(s)` clauses don't accept schematic vars, and 2. it often results in overly-flexible subgoals that the typechecker doesn't solve. Will need an elaborator integrated into Isabelle's syntax checking. - [ ] Inductive type definitions. - [ ] Recursive function definitions.