theory HoTT_Theorems imports HoTT begin text "A bunch of theorems and other statements for sanity-checking, as well as things that should be automatically simplified. Things that *should* be automated: \ Checking that \A\ is a well-formed type, when writing things like \x : A\ and \A : U\. \ Checking that the argument to a (dependent/non-dependent) function matches the type? Also the arguments to a pair?" \ \Turn on trace for unification and the simplifier, for debugging.\ declare[[unify_trace_simp, unify_trace_types, simp_trace, simp_trace_depth_limit=5]] section \\ type\ subsection \Typing functions\ text "Declaring \Prod_intro\ with the \intro\ attribute (in HoTT.thy) enables \standard\ to prove the following." lemma "\<^bold>\x:A. x : A\A" .. proposition "A \ B \ \<^bold>\x:A. x : B\A" proof - assume "A \ B" then have *: "A\A \ B\A" by simp have "\<^bold>\x:A. x : A\A" .. with * show "\<^bold>\x:A. x : B\A" by simp qed proposition "\<^bold>\x:A. \<^bold>\y:B. x : A\B\A" proof fix a assume "a : A" then show "\<^bold>\y:B. a : B \ A" .. qed subsection \Function application\ proposition "a : A \ (\<^bold>\x:A. x)`a \ a" by simp text "Currying:" term "lambda A (\x. \<^bold>\y:B(x). y)" thm Prod_comp[where ?B = "\x. \y:B(x). B(x)"] lemma "a : A \ (\<^bold>\x:A. \<^bold>\y:B(x). y)`a \ \<^bold>\y:B(a). y" proof (rule Prod_comp[where ?B = "\x. \y:B(x). B(x)"]) show "\x. a : A \ x : A \ \<^bold>\y:B x. y : B x \ B x" lemma "\a : A; b : B\ \ (\<^bold>\x:A. \<^bold>\y:B(x). y)`a`b \ b" by simp lemma "a : A \ (\<^bold>\x:A. \<^bold>\y:B(x). f x y)`a \ \<^bold>\y:B(a). f a y" by simp lemma "\a : A; b : B(a); c : C(a)(b)\ \ (\<^bold>\x:A. \<^bold>\y:B(x). \<^bold>\z:C(x)(y). f x y z)`a`b`c \ f a b c" by simp subsection \Currying functions\ proposition curried_function_formation: fixes A::Term and B::"Term \ Term" and C::"Term \ Term \ Term" assumes "A : U" and "B: A \ U" and "\x::Term. C(x): B(x) \ U" shows "\x:A. \y:B(x). C x y : U" proof fix x::Term assume *: "x : A" show "\y:B(x). C x y : U" proof show "B(x) : U" using * by (rule assms) qed (rule assms) qed (rule assms) (**** GOOD CANDIDATE FOR AUTOMATION - EISBACH! ****) proposition higher_order_currying_formation: fixes A::Term and B::"Term \ Term" and C::"[Term, Term] \ Term" and D::"[Term, Term, Term] \ Term" assumes "A : U" and "B: A \ U" and "\x y::Term. y : B(x) \ C(x)(y) : U" and "\x y z::Term. z : C(x)(y) \ D(x)(y)(z) : U" shows "\x:A. \y:B(x). \z:C(x)(y). D(x)(y)(z) : U" proof fix x::Term assume 1: "x : A" show "\y:B(x). \z:C(x)(y). D(x)(y)(z) : U" proof show "B(x) : U" using 1 by (rule assms) fix y::Term assume 2: "y : B(x)" show "\z:C(x)(y). D(x)(y)(z) : U" proof show "C x y : U" using 2 by (rule assms) show "\z::Term. z : C(x)(y) \ D(x)(y)(z) : U" by (rule assms) qed qed qed (rule assms) (**** AND PROBABLY THIS TOO? ****) lemma curried_type_judgment: fixes a b A::Term and B::"Term \ Term" and f C::"[Term, Term] \ Term" assumes "\x y::Term. \x : A; y : B(x)\ \ f x y : C x y" shows "\<^bold>\x:A. \<^bold>\y:B(x). f x y : \x:A. \y:B(x). C x y" proof fix x::Term assume *: "x : A" show "\<^bold>\y:B(x). f x y : \y:B(x). C x y" proof fix y::Term assume **: "y : B(x)" show "f x y : C x y" using * ** by (rule assms) qed qed text "Note that the propositions and proofs above often say nothing about the well-formedness of the types, or the well-typedness of the lambdas involved; one has to be very explicit and prove such things separately! This is the result of the choices made regarding the premises of the type rules." section \\ type\ text "The following shows that the dependent sum inductor has the type we expect it to have:" lemma assumes "C: \x:A. B(x) \ U" shows "indSum(C) : \f:(\x:A. \y:B(x). C((x,y))). \p:(\x:A. B(x)). C(p)" proof - define F and P where "F \ \x:A. \y:B(x). C((x,y))" and "P \ \x:A. B(x)" have "\<^bold>\f:F. \<^bold>\p:P. indSum(C)`f`p : \f:F. \p:P. C(p)" proof (rule curried_type_judgment) fix f p::Term assume "f : F" and "p : P" with assms show "indSum(C)`f`p : C(p)" unfolding F_def P_def .. qed then show "indSum(C) : \f:F. \p:P. C(p)" by simp qed (**** AUTOMATION CANDIDATE ****) text "Propositional uniqueness principle for dependent sums:" text "We would like to eventually automate proving that 'a given type \A\ is inhabited', i.e. search for an element \a:A\. A good starting point would be to automate the application of elimination rules." notepad begin fix A B assume "A : U" and "B: A \ U" define C where "C \ \p. p =[\x:A. B(x)] (fst[A,B]`p, snd[A,B]`p)" have *: "C: \x:A. B(x) \ U" proof - fix p assume "p : \x:A. B(x)" have "(fst[A,B]`p, snd[A,B]`p) : \x:A. B(x)" define f where "f \ \<^bold>\x:A. \<^bold>\y:B(x). refl((x,y))" have "f`x`y : C((x,y))" sorry have "p : \x:A. B(x) \ indSum(C)`f`p : C(p)" using * ** by (rule Sum_elim) end section \Universes and polymorphism\ text "Polymorphic identity function." consts Ui::Term definition Id where "Id \ \<^bold>\A:Ui. \<^bold>\x:A. x" (* section \Natural numbers\ text "Here's a dumb proof that 2 is a natural number." proposition "succ(succ 0) : Nat" proof - have "0 : Nat" by (rule Nat_intro1) from this have "(succ 0) : Nat" by (rule Nat_intro2) thus "succ(succ 0) : Nat" by (rule Nat_intro2) qed text "We can of course iterate the above for as many applications of \succ\ as we like. The next thing to do is to implement induction to automate such proofs. When we get more stuff working, I'd like to aim for formalizing the encode-decode method to be able to prove the only naturals are 0 and those obtained from it by \succ\." *) end