theory HoTT imports Pure begin section \Setup\ text \ For ML files, routines and setup. \ section \Basic definitions\ text \ A single meta-level type \Term\ suffices to implement the object-level types and terms. For now we do not implement universes, but simply follow the informal notation in the HoTT book. \ (* Actually unsure if a single meta-type suffices... *) typedecl Term subsection \Judgements\ consts is_a_type :: "Term \ prop" ("(_ : U)" [0] 1000) is_of_type :: "Term \ Term \ prop" ("(3_ :/ _)" [0, 0] 1000) subsection \Basic axioms\ subsubsection \Definitional equality\ text\ We take the meta-equality \, defined by the Pure framework for any of its terms, and use it additionally for definitional/judgmental equality of types and terms in our theory. Note that the Pure framework already provides axioms and results for the various properties of \, which we make use of and extend where necessary. \ subsubsection \Type-related properties\ axiomatization where term_substitution: "\(A::Term) (x::Term) y::Term. x \ y \ A(x) \ A(y)" and equal_types: "\(A::Term) (B::Term) x::Term. \A \ B; x : A\ \ x : B" and inhabited_implies_type: "\(x::Term) A::Term. x : A \ A : U" subsection \Basic types\ subsubsection \Nondependent function type\ (* Write this for now to test stuff, later I should make this an instance of the dependent function. Same for the nondependent product below. Note that the syntax \<^bold>\ (bold lambda) clashes with the proof term syntax! (See \
2.5.2, The Isabelle/Isar Implementation.) *) axiomatization Function :: "Term \ Term \ Term" (infixr "\" 10) and lambda :: "Term \ Term \ Term \ Term" ("(3\<^bold>\_:_./ _)" [1000, 0, 0] 10) and appl :: "Term \ Term \ Term" ("(3_`/_)" [10, 10] 10) where Function_form: "\(A::Term) B::Term. \A : U; B : U\ \ A\B : U" and Function_intro: "\(A::Term) (B::Term) b::Term. (\x. x : A \ b(x) : B) \ \<^bold>\x:A. b(x) : A\B" and Function_elim: "\A B f a. \f : A\B; a : A\ \ f`a : B" (* beta and eta reductions should go here *) subsubsection \Nondependent product type\ axiomatization Product :: "Term \ Term \ Term" ("(_\/ _)") and pair :: "Term \ Term \ Term" ("(_,/ _)") and rec_Product :: "Term \ Term \ Term \ Term \ Term" ("(rec'_Product'(_,_,_,_'))") where Product_form: "\A B. \A : U; B : U\ \ A\B : U" and Product_intro: "\A B a b. \a : A; b : B\ \ (a,b) : A\B" and Product_elim: "\A B C g. \A : U; B : U; C : U; g : A\B\C\ \ rec_Product(A,B,C,g) : (A\B)\C" and Product_comp: "\A B C g a b. \C : U; g : A\B\C; a : A; b : B\ \ rec_Product(A,B,C,g)`(a,b) \ (g`a)`b" \ \Projection onto first component\ definition proj1 :: "Term \ Term \ Term" ("(proj1\_,_\)") where "proj1\A,B\ \ rec_Product(A, B, A, \<^bold>\x. \<^bold>\y. x)" subsubsection \Empty type\ axiomatization Null :: Term and ind_Null :: "Term \ Term \ Term" ("(ind'_Null'(_,/ _'))") where Null_form: "Null : U" and Null_elim: "\C x a. \x : Null \ C(x) : U; a : Null\ \ ind_Null(C(x), a) : C(a)" subsubsection \Natural numbers\ axiomatization Nat :: Term and zero :: Term ("0") and succ :: "Term \ Term" and (* how to enforce \succ : Nat\Nat\? *) ind_Nat :: "Term \ Term \ Term \ Term \ Term" where Nat_form: "Nat : U" and Nat_intro1: "0 : Nat" and Nat_intro2: "\n. n : Nat \ succ n : Nat" (* computation rules *) subsubsection \Equality type\ axiomatization Equal :: "Term \ Term \ Term \ Term" ("(_ =_ _)") and refl :: "Term \ Term" ("(refl'(_'))") where Equal_form: "\A a b. \a : A; b : A\ \ a =A b : U" and Equal_intro: "\A x. x : A \ refl x : x =A x" end